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Polling Districts and Polling Places Review

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council has a duty to divide its area into polling districts and designate polling places for each polling district, and to review these arrangements every five years.

The next compulsory review must take place within a 16-month window starting on 1 October 2023 and ending on 31 January 2025. However, given the imminent changes to Parliamentary Constituency boundaries, and the upcoming Local Elections, Police and Crime Commissioner Election and Combined Authority Mayor Election in May 2024 and the changes implemented due to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, it is considered that the review should be carried out as soon as possible so that polling districts and places are agreed ahead of those elections and reflect the new constituency boundaries.

For these reasons, the review period in Dudley Metropolitan Borough began on Friday 22 December 2023, with the publication of a formal Notice of Review. You can access a copy of the Notice by using the following link:

What does the review involve?

We are seeking comments in relation to the size and boundaries of polling districts and the location and suitability of polling places, including suggestions for alternative polling place locations which might offer better facilities and/or are more convenient for the voter.

The Acting Returning Officers of any Parliamentary Constituency that falls wholly or partially within Dudley Metropolitan Borough will be required to comment on the arrangements for those polling districts and places within their respective constituency areas. Once received, their comments will be published on our website.

More generally, comments can be made by electors within the Council area or within a UK Parliamentary Constituency which has any part in the Council area, and we will consult elected representatives in the area (at all levels), and political representatives.

We would particularly welcome comments from disabled residents, or any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability, on the current arrangements, future proposals, the ARO (Acting Returning Officer) representations or any other related matters.

What is not covered by this review?

This review does not cover:

  • the borough boundary or ward boundaries
  • Parliamentary Constituency boundaries

Review timetable

Date Details
Friday 22 December 2023 Publication of notice and commencement of the review
Friday 22 December 2023 Start of the review period
Within 35 days of receipt Publication of the Acting Returning Officer responses
Friday 2 February 2024 Review period closes
Monday 26 February 2024 Report to Council
Wednesday 28 February 2024 Publication of review conclusions
Friday 1 March 2024 Publication of revised electoral register

Details of existing polling places

View the list of polling places and check the polling station map.

Proposals of Polling Districts and Places

Maps of the proposed changes can be found via the link below.

Comments of Acting Returning Officers

The Borough Council area currently incorporates two Parliamentary Constituencies:

  • Dudley
  • Stourbridge

And parts of the following three Parliamentary Constituencies:

  • Halesowen
  • Kingswinford and South Staffordshire
  • Tipton and Wednesbury

The Acting Returning Officers of those constituencies are statutory consultees to this review and must respond. Their comments will be available here once received.

What's the difference between a polling district, place and station?

  • A polling district is a geographical area. Each parish/parish ward must be a separate polling district. A good starting point is to include the whole parish/parish ward as one polling district. If this is too large in order to provide easy access the area can be split into smaller polling districts
  • A polling place is the area or building in which a polling station is located and should be within the polling district unless it is not possible to find a suitable place
  • A polling station is the actual room or building where polling takes place. This information is available on the notice of poll and communicated to electors via their poll card. Unlike polling districts and polling places, which are fixed by the Borough Council, polling stations are chosen by the relevant Returning Officer for the election

What makes a suitable polling place?

Ideally, there would be the choice of a range of fully accessible buildings, conveniently located for electors in the area, within which to establish polling places.

In practice, however, the choice of polling places will be a balance between the quality of the building (access, facilities, etc) and the proximity of the building to electors. However, all factors will need to be considered, including previous use and issues identified.

Where, because of local circumstances, a polling place has been selected that is not fully accessible, adjustments will be considered so far as is reasonable and practicable.


  • existing known locations should not be changed without good reason
  • is it reasonably accessible within the polling district?
  • does it avoid barriers for the voter such as steep hills, railway lines or major roads?
  • are there convenient transport links?


  • can it accommodate more than one polling station if required?
  • if multiple polling stations are required, can the polling place accommodate all voters going in and out of the polling stations, and staff required to provide a good service to voters, even if there was a high turnout?
  • is there sufficient space to ensure the flow of voters and reduce the risk of congestion and queues, even if there was a high turnout?
  • is there sufficient space to provide private areas or privacy screens for photographic identification checks?


  • is it accessible to all those entitled to attend the polling place?
  • does it incorporate any equipment to support disabled voters?


  • is it likely to be available in the event of any unscheduled elections?
  • is there any possibility that it may be demolished as part of a new development?
  • are there facilities for polling staff such as toilets, kitchen facilities, heating, lighting and suitable furniture?

Comments and representations

The deadline for comments and representations is Friday 2 February 2024.

If you made a representation, upon completion of the review, all correspondence and representations received will be published. However, any personal details will be redacted prior to publication.

What happens after the consultation period ends?

All representations made will be reported to a meeting of the Council for Members' consideration. The Council will then decide on the most appropriate polling districts and polling places. The meeting will take place on 26 February 2024.

The Council's conclusions will be published after the decision-making meeting. The new polling district arrangements will be reflected in the register of electors which will be re-published on 1 March 2024.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the review, if you would like information in another format or would like support to respond please contact the Council's Electoral Services: