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Part 5 - Conditions attached to Grant of Approval

Approved Premises for Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships - part 5

The following standard conditions from Schedule 2 of the Regulations are attached to this approval. Proceedings mean the solemnisation of a marriage, the registration of a civil partnership, a naming ceremony, a renewal of marriage vows and a commitment ceremony and does not refer to any other activities on the premises. 

1. The holder of the approval must ensure that there is at all times an individual with responsibility for ensuring compliance with these conditions ("the responsible person") and that the responsible person's occupation, seniority, position of responsibility in relation to the premises, or other factors (his "qualification"), indicate that he is in a position to ensure compliance with these conditions and liaise with the Superintendent Registrar on any matters affecting the ceremony. The responsible person shall be trained by the Council to act as the celebrant at a ceremony in the event of an emergency affecting registration staff attending. Training (and refresher training) will be provided annually.


2. The responsible person or, in his absence, an appropriately qualified deputy appointed by him/her, shall be available on the premises for a minimum of one hour prior to and throughout each of the proceedings. The responsible person shall be present in the ceremony room for the duration of the ceremony. 


3. The holder must notify the authority: 

(a) of his name and address immediately upon him becoming the holder of an approval under regulation 7(2), and

(b) of the name, address and qualification of the responsible person immediately upon the appointment of a new responsible person.

(c) ensure the Superintendent Registrar, in whose district the Approved Premises are situated, holds a complete record of the names and daytime telephone numbers of the Responsible Person and his/her deputies.

(d) ensure that the Responsible Person is aware of his/her responsibilities of coordinating the celebration of marriages and registration of civil partnership in the approved building.


4. The holder must:

(a) Ensure the Council’s Complaints Procedure is prominently displayed.

(b) Ensure that any notices required to be displayed by the Registrar General are displayed in a prominent position as required

(c) Ensure satisfactory arrangements are made to separate the Ceremony Room, Interview Room and any area or room used for waiting purposes from any other activity (whether accompanying the proceedings or not) taking place in the building at the same time as the ceremony.

(d) Ensure satisfactory arrangements are made for the health and safety of the Registration Staff who are officiating at the ceremony.

(e) Ensure that Health and Safety Laws and other such legislation are satisfied in respect of the attendance of a large number of guests.

(f) Ensure that all those attending the proceedings are aware of evacuation procedures and what to do in an emergency situation.

(g) Ensure that the premises are covered by an appropriate insurance policy and that this indemnifies the Council and the Registration Staff against any claims resulting from deficiencies in either the premises or facilities, or non-compliance by the Licence Holder with the Council’s Code of Practice for Approved Premises and Licence Rules for Approved Premises.

(h) Ensure that the person(s) booking the accommodation is aware of any limitations imposed on the size of the party by the size of the ceremony room. Ensure that the person making the booking is aware of any limitations required by Health and Safety and Fire Regulations on the number of guests permitted into the ceremony room.

(i) Ensure that his/her premises as an Approved Premises does not contravene any planning regulations or other requirements set by the Local Planning Authority.

(j) Ensure that the Approved Premises are made available at reasonable times for inspection by the staff from the Council or the Fire Service.

(k) Ensure at all times that nothing of a frivolous nature is permitted during proceedings which will detract from the solemnity of the proceedings and not permit any outside interference, including noise or other nuisance to affect this.

(l) Ensure that the Licence issued by the Council is displayed in a prominent position in the main entrance of the building.


5. The holder must notify the authority immediately of any change to any of the following:

(a) the layout of the premises, as shown in the plan submitted with the approved application, or in the use of the premises;

(b) the name or full postal address of the approved premises;

(c) the description of the room or rooms in which the proceedings are to take place;

(d) the name or address of the holder of the approval; and,

(e) the name, address or qualification of the responsible person.


6. A suitable notice stating that the premises have been approved for marriages in pursuance of section 26(1)(bb) of the Marriage Act 1949, and the formation of civil partnerships under section 6(3A)(a) of the Civil Partnership Act 2004, identifying and giving directions to the room in which the proceedings are to take place, must be displayed at each public entrance to the premises for one hour prior to and throughout the proceedings.


7. No food or drink may be sold or consumed in the room in which proceedings take place for one hour prior to and during those proceedings.


8. All proceedings must take place in a room which was identified as one to be used for that purpose on the plan submitted with the approved application.


9. The arrangements for and content of the proceedings must meet with the prior approval of the Superintendent Registrar of the district in which the approved premises are situated.


10. Any proceedings conducted on approved premises, by law, shall not be religious in nature.

In particular, the proceedings shall not:

(a) include extracts from an authorised religious marriage service or from sacred religious texts;

(b) be led by a minister of religion or other religious leader;

(c) involve a religious ritual or series of rituals;

(d) include hymns or other religious chants; or

(e) include any form of worship.

The proceedings may include readings, songs or music that contain an incidental reference to a god or deity in an essentially non-religious context.

For this purpose, any material used by way of introduction to, in any interval between parts of, or by way of conclusion to the proceedings shall be treated as forming part of the proceedings.


11. Public access to any proceedings in approved premises must be permitted without charge.


12. Any reference to the approval of premises on any sign or notice, or on any stationery or publication, or within any advertisement may state that the premises have been approved by the authority as a venue for marriage in pursuance of section 26(1)(bb) of the Marriage Act 1949, and the formation of civil partnerships under section 6(3A)(a) of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004 but shall not state or imply any recommendation of the premises or its facilities by the authority, the Registrar General or any of the officers or employees of either of them.


13. If a change of name to the approved premises occurs after the issue of the certificate for marriage or the civil partnership schedule, but before the proceedings, the former name of the approved premises as recorded in the certificate for marriage or the civil partnership schedule shall remain valid for its duration for the purpose of the proceedings.


14. The following local conditions imposed by the Metropolitan Borough Council shall also apply:

(a). There must be adequate toilet facilities for the number of people expected to attend.

(b). There must be parking spaces close to the entrance of the building reserved for use by the Registrar and Superintendent Registrar when officiating at marriages and civil partnerships registrations.

(c). There must be a room available close to the room(s) approved for marriages and civil partnership registrations where the couple can be interviewed prior to the ceremony.

(d). There must be adequate disabled access to the ceremony room.

(e). For large rooms holding 100 or more guests, provide a clip-on lapel microphone for the Superintendent Registrar who will conduct the ceremony.

(f). A hearing loop system should be available in at least one of the ceremony rooms.

(g). At least one of the ceremony rooms should be accessible for people using wheelchairs.

Any further conditions the authority considers appropriate upon grant of approval will be noted on the Licence when it is issued

An applicant who is aggrieved in relation to the attachment of further conditions may seek a review of those conditions by the Local Authority.


Approved Premises for Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships - part 1

Approved Premises for Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships - part 2

Approved Premises for Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships - part 3

Approved Premises for Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships - part 4

Part 6 - Guidance for those who wish to Marry on Approved Premises

Part 6 - Guidance for those who wish to Register a Civil Partnership on Approved Premises

Part 6 - Guidance for those who wish to hold a Naming, Renewal of Vows or Commitment Ceremony on Approved Premises