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Dudley Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2023-2028

These web pages describe Dudley’s vision for commissioning the care and support of people living in the borough, as well as our commissioning intentions for the next 5 years.

Foreword by Matt Bowsher, Director of Adult Social Care Dudley Council

We recognise and value the organisations that we work with in the provision of services for people living in Dudley and we anticipate that this statement will be of benefit to providers by informing them of likely future services and support requirements.

We are committed to developing and supporting the market to ensure there are services that meet the needs and expectations of all our customers, including self-funders, and carers. It is our intention to always place the person at the heart of what we do; our customers feedback into our teams and departments alongside various co-production and engagement opportunities ensures the voice of Dudley citizens can influence decision making and shape services wherever possible as per our Co-production Strategy.

We are committed to working with providers and customers / Dudley citizens as partners, ensuring open and transparent communication in our dealings with all stakeholders to better shape services and our commissioning decisions.

This market position statement contains information on our local care market, the current health and social care landscape including both challenges and opportunities and specific market analysis that we hope will be of benefit to providers of services. There is recognition that health and social care services stepped up to continue delivering services during the covid pandemic and continue to do so during a cost-of-living crisis that is having a significant impact upon our citizens and providers.

In setting out our priorities and intentions it is expected that this will enable providers to plan their businesses to meet customer expectations with a degree of confidence that their plans are aligned strategically to ours. We encourage providers to consider the potential of digital social care technology and new models of care that focus on improved outcomes as well as our collective commitment to delivering high quality and sustainable care for the citizens of Dudley.

Finally, the Council acknowledges the need to improve remuneration for people working across the care sector. All governmental monies to support the viability of the care market will be used for the purpose intended. The Council has also maximised income through means such as the Social Care Precept to support the care market. This document acknowledges a funding gap still exists and calls on the Government to ensure sufficient funding to Councils to enable the vital work front line care staff and Carers provide and support a high quality, well qualified and sustainable workforce in the future.