No, the Council is simply consulted for its views as part of the consultation process. The Traffic and Transportation Service has an input into the process of licensing HGV depots within Dudley. The licence is granted by the North Eastern Traffic Area. You can contact them as follows:
Applications for an operators license should be made to the North Eastern Traffic Area (contact details above).
Details of all applications must be published in the local newspaper for the area.
The Council can only influence the grant of a licence by submitting objections and these can only be based on environmental, planning and health and safety grounds. If you would like to object please write to us using the contact details below.
If the Council is objecting, we may be able to incorporate your comments into our objection and may wish to call you as a witness at any public enquiry. Residents living immediately adjacent to the operators centre can also object directly to the North Eastern Traffic Area (please see the contact details above).