Workplace Health and Safety
Health and safety affects people and businesses throughout the borough and beyond. It is a part of our lives in many different ways. These pages provide information on health and safety for businesses in the borough.
In the workplace
Health and safety in the workplace covers a range of topics covering all aspects of working conditions.
Health and safety advice for businesses
Advice and information for those running a business.
Health and safety enforcement
Enforcement of the law is split between the Council and the Health and Safety Executive. Generally, the Council covers all non-industrial premises, offices, shops, warehouses and places used for leisure activities and worship.
Information about specific safety concerns
Find out more about safety relating to specific risks, businesses and activities.
Healthy and safety training
It is your responsibility to provide your staff with advice, instructions and training in order for them to be able to do their job safely.
Health and safety complaints
The Health and Safety Executive deal with certain complaints not covered by the Council.
Licences and registrations
We issue many licences and registrations to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and members of the public.
The Law
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 does not define either 'health' or 'safety'. It does place a wide variety of duties on employers, the self-employed, employees and visitors, contractors and guests.
Health and Safety complaints
If the matter is for Local Authority enforcement, then please use our online Health and Safety form. We treat complaints very seriously and sensitively, particularly where sub-standard or poor work conditions are notified.
Some matters are not dealt with by the Council. In that instance, you should contact the Health and Safety Executive.
Contact Us
Environmental Health and Safety
Council House
Priory Road
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 5pm
Offices are closed weekends and Bank Holidays