Rubbish collection, recycling, garden waste, waste enforcement, waste strategy
Births, deaths and funerals, marriages, copy certificates
Housing options, rent, insurance, repairs and maintenance
Private sector housing matters
Check your council tax balance, request a copy, pay online
Housing benefit, council tax reductions, discretionary housing payments
Pest control services, advice and guidance
Gritting and snow clearance, lighting, drainage, potholes
Litter, litter bins, road sweeping, flytipping, dog bins, dog fouling
Maintenance of council owned land, parks, green spaces, cemeteries, playing fields, highway verges and traffic islands
Anti-social behaviour, nuisance, disputes, vandalism, graffiti
We want to hear from you if you have a complaint, comment or compliment
If you believe a vehicle has been abandoned, please report it to us and we will investigate as soon as possible.
An allotment could bring you many benefits, find out how to apply for your own.
If you are experiencing any form of Anti-Social Behaviour, find out how to report it.
If you are not happy with the outcome of your anti-social behaviour or hate crime case, you can request to have it reopened.
The person responsible for organising the production is responsible for submitting the performance licence application.
Find out more regarding a Civil Ceremony Licence and how to apply.
Children taking part in entertainment must be supervised by a chaperone, find out more regarding the application process.
In Dudley, as in other parts of the country, there are more people looking for council housing than there are available properties.
If you make, prepare or handle food of animal origin for supply to other businesses, your business must be approved by us.
If you are unable to move your wheeled bins or recycling containers for collection due to a disability or medical condition, you may be eligible for an Assisted Collection.
Register Births, obtain a Birth Certificate or Re-register a Birth.
Find out more regarding a BOPA boundaries and how to submit an application.
The Governments rates relief scheme was introduced to help small businesses. Find out how to submit an application.
There are many ways you can pay your business rates, this includes online payments and monthly instalments.
Under the Right to Buy scheme you may be able to buy your home from Dudley Council.
A full guide to planning and organising civil ceremony choices in the Dudley Borough.
We hold registers for births, marriages, civil partnerships & deaths. If the event took place within the Borough you can apply for a certificate.
If you are an employer hiring children and young people over the age of 13 you must apply for a work permit.
We offer a comprehensive training package to support you through your training and professional career as a childminder.
Safeguarding is about protecting anyone at risk from abuse or neglect. If you are worried or concerned about the way you or someone you know is being treated, tell someone you trust
Find out more about chimney height approval, the costs and how to apply.
There will be changes to your collections over the Christmas period. If you require additional boxes or bags, please complete the form on this page.
Find out more regarding citizenship ceremonies including how to apply for one.
Club Premises Certificates are for the supply of alcohol, find out how to apply and the fees involved.
If you are experiencing noise disturbance and feel approaching the person responsible it not appropriate, you can complain to us.
Garages and plots can be rented from us for a weekly payment, find out how to submit an application.
Council Tax helps to pay for Council services. Find out how to check your Council Tax Balance, request a copy and pay online.
Instead of receiving paper bills you will be able to view your council tax bills online.
Find out how you can apply for Council Tax Reductions, Discounts and Exemptions.
The full council tax bill for a property assumes it is the main home of two adults. If this is not the case, find out how to apply for a discount.
There are many ways you can pay your Council Tax this can include: direct debit, online, by phone, phone banking, in person and monthly instalments.
You will need to obtain a licence if you wish to keep an animal considered to be wild, dangerous or exotic.
In the UK anyone can change their name if they want to. However, if you would like the new name to be recognised officially, you will need to register the change.
We have installed a number of dog bins throughout Dudley to encourage owners and anyone in control of a dog to clear up after the dog.
It is an offence if you do not to clean up after your dog if it has fouled in a public place. If you have a problem in your area that needs reporting, find out how you can get in touch.
A permit must be obtained before you start to operate the dry cleaning process, find out how to apply for your permit.
This service can transform the lives of people who wish to live independently, find out how to make a referral or apply.
Find out what facilities the Duncan Edwards Leisure Centre has to offer and how to book activities.
Our training programmes are available to all Early Years and Childcare Practitioners within Dudley, find out how to book a place.
f you have a three or four year old child that attends early childhood education, you can apply for Early Years Pupil Premium.
Dudley Council can only grant an exemption from performance licensing if the performance/activity meets the criteria on this page.
Dudley Council is responsible for managing surface water flooding across the borough. Find out how to report Street Drain/ Gully flooding.
Fly posting is putting up unauthorised content in public places, find out how to report an incident.
Dumping waste where it's not allowed, or allowing others to do so, is a criminal offence. If you would like to report an incident, please use to form on this page.
If you have a complaint regarding food businesses, you can make a complaint to our food safety team.
All food premises in the borough are required to be registered or approved with the Council.
We have a variety of football pitches available for hire at various parks and open spaces around the borough. Our pitches are available to hire on both a seasonal and a casual basis.
If your child is in Reception, year one or two, you will automatically be entitled for free meals. However if your child is older you will need to submit an online claim.
Dudley Council provides a green waste service for the collection of garden waste from each household. Find out how to request replacement/additional bins, boxes and bags.
Dudley Council is responsible for the grounds maintenance operations on council-owned land within the borough. Find out how to report a problem if one occurs.
As the organiser, you will need a competent risk assessor to carry out a risk assessment for your event.
There are various methods in which you can apply for your Home Content Insurance. This can be done online, telephone, or in person.
You can use any of the methods on this page to make your payments for housing rent, garage rent, rechargeable repairs invoices and contents insurance.
We will undertake inspections of properties in support of an application to the UK Border Agency for entry visas.
We know that if you come and join us you’ll receive a warm welcome, work with some very loyal and committed colleagues and contribute positively to making life better for our residents, businesses and visitors.
Recycling in the borough is collected in three different containers - a blue bag, a green bag and a black box. Residents can request additional containers if they are required.
Dudley Public Libraries are committed to providing a service which is open and accessible to all.
A new, modern fitness suite designed to provide everyone, with the ultimate workout environment.
Litter makes the borough look unattractive and can cause further problems like attracting pests. Find out how to report an issue if you come across litter
Find out how to complete a Medical Application Form.
We offer a range of memberships to help you enjoy life, feel great and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. You can cancel your Options Lifestyle membership at any time.
Memorials are a lasting monument and tribute to a person's life. It is therefore important to choose the monument carefully and Bereavement Services can provide advice on the options available to you.
Nitrous oxide is a colourless gas that people inhale, usually via a balloon. Find out how to report canisters and shops.
Excessive noise can make life a misery. If you can't approach your neighbours talk to us.
If you are organising an event on the highway, please read the information on this page and complete the attached form.
Parking dispensations are permits that are issued to allow vehicles to park within enforced areas.
Motorists have the right to appeal against a Parking Fine (Penalty Charge Notice) if they consider that it has not been issued correctly.
Apply for parking permits, find car park locations and information about Parking fines and appeals.
Parking permits can be purchased for parking on Dudley Council car parks on a 12 or 3 month basis.
Find out about how and when to pay your rent, garage, insurance & rechargeable repair and what to do if you have problems paying your rent.
We provide a range of pest control services available Monday to Friday, find out how you can request a service.
Many service stations require an Environmental Permit, find out if you need one and how to apply.
Find out how to search for a planning application, find out about a decision and object to an application.
This section contains information and advice on various forms of pollution and pollution control. You can also report issues.
If you would like to use your premises for different licensable activities, you will need to apply for a Premises Licence.
If you operate public weighing equipment you must be a certified weighbridge operator. We issue these certificates.
Find out how to book an appointment to register a death.
The Street Cleansing Service will respond quickly to requests for the removal and disposal of dead animals found on the highway or open land.
Dudley council repairs potholes on public roads in the borough. Find more information about reporting a pothole.
If your are respraying your vehicle, you will require a permit, find out how to apply.
We are responsible for the provision, installation and maintenance of speed control measures and all associated signage, including investigation into complaints of damage.
We are responsible for the location and maintenance of pedestrian crossings in Dudley, find out how to request a crossing.
We provide residents with a weekly kerbside rubbish collection, find out how to report a collection issue.
Safeguarding is about protecting children, young people and adults at risk from abuse or neglect.
We monitor scaffolding and hoarding on or over a Public Highway to ensure that public health & safety are not compromised.
The school crossing patrol service plays a vital role in the safety of children on their journeys to and from school.
Find out how to request a site inspection.
Licences are required so that applications for skips to be placed on the public highway comply with the requirements of legislation.
Safety certificates cover the physical condition of sports grounds and the safety management provision, find out how to apply for a certificate.
The Council looks after the roads and footways in the borough. Find out how to report any issues.
We keep roads, pavements, public car parks and shopping areas clean, if you see any litter please report it using the form on this page.
Find out how to report a street lighting problem.
If you’ve got an old car/MOT failure that you want to dispose of, we will collect and dispose of it free of charge.
Did you know that some two year olds maybe able to get up to 15 hours of free childcare? Find out how to apply.
The Traffic & Road Safety department want to hear your views and will enter details of their plans, background information and how to have your say.
It is our responsibility to manage trees on council owned land in the borough
If you are using a car towing a trailer or commercial type vehicle to dispose of your household waste, you will need a permit.
A premises licence holder can apply to the licensing authority to vary the licence. Find out how to object to a variation.
We encourage you to report any smoky vehicles in the Dudley borough to us.
Find out how to request and apply for a Vehicle Crossing or a Dropped Kerb in your area.
If you wish to report a cleanliness issue please use the form on this page.
If you are facing collection issues please use the form on this page to report them.
To operate a zoo within the borough, you will need to obtain a licence from the council, find out how to apply.