The aims of the Planning for Health SPD are:
To offer guidance for addressing the affect of the built and natural environment on health as part of a strategic approach to tackling the Borough’s health inequalities and promoting healthy lifestyle options.
To present the social aspects of planning and demonstrate concisely how social, environmental and economic conditions influence health and health inequalities.
To clarify the importance of accessibility, its role in creating healthy, sustainable communities and how it helps impart better quality of life.
To provide supporting information and guidance on planning for health for decision-makers and developers in line with that which is set out in the emerging Development Strategy for Dudley Borough.
To be an important material consideration in the determination of planning applications by providing checklists against which to assess development proposals.
To impose distance restrictions on the creation of new takeaways in proximity to schools and youth amenities and to reduce the clustering and over proliferation of hot food takeaways across the Borough.
This SPD has been informed by the comments and views which were given at both consultation Stages (October – November 2011 and March – April 2013) alongside expertise from key Council Officers, Public Health Professionals and other Stakeholders.
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