Bins and recycling
All in the information you need about bins and recycling in Dudley borough
Rubbish collection
Information all about rubbish collection services in the borough
Recycling and garden waste
Find out about recycling and garden waste services in Dudley
Household Waste Recycling Centre
Also known as the tip, find out how to responsibly get rid of household waste
Commercial waste
As a business owner it is your responsibility to keep waste to a minimum. You should be doing everything you can to prevent, reuse or recycle your commercial waste.
The commercial waste services we offer are chargeable as they are not included in your Business Rates. The costs can vary depending on the type of provision your business requires.
Business waste can be from any commercial activity, even if you only use part of your home for your business. However the waste from this part of your home cannot be disposed of with your normal household collections. It will also not be accepted at our Household Waste Recycling Centres. You must request an authorised service to collect and dispose of your business waste responsibly.
Household Waste Recycling Centre
The Household Waste and Recycling Centre in Stourbridge is operating a booking system for Dudley borough residents only. The service should only be used if no alternative arrangements can be made for safe storage.
There is extremely high demand for this facility and we ask you to be patient as in the short term we are offering a limited capacity per hour.
If you are unable to attend your appointment - please notify us. It is important you let us know as we will be able to offer cancelled appointments to other residents.
Please note, anyone who arrives at the site without a slot will be turned away.
To find out more, including how to book, visit our household waste recycling centre page.