Dudley Council has published an updated Residential Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It was adopted on 28th June 2023.
The aim of the SPD is to provide localised guidance with respect to design and density to ensure that residential applications, including new housing development and householder extensions, respect the local character and identity of the borough and achieve a high level of design.
This SPD revises the previous New Housing Developments SPD (2013) and incorporates the Council’s Planning Guidance Notes 17 (Housing Extensions) and 12 (45 Degree Code)
The SPD is a material consideration when determining planning applications. It does not include any new housing designations or create new housing related policies, it provides guidance in relation to design and density or residential development.
Consultation was undertaken between 9th January 2023 and 20th February 2023 on the SPD and the responses and comments received through this were used to inform the final document.