The Stourbridge Area Action Plan (AAP) sets out the vision, objectives and spatial strategy for future development in Stourbridge Town Centre and its environs up to 2026.
Informed by feedback from the local community and developers, the AAP shapes the regeneration of the Town Centre in a way that makes the most of Stourbridge’s valued and distinctive local character and further improves its vibrancy, attractiveness and economic health. It does this by allocating sites for development and through policies to ensure that the community and developers understand what the Council’s vision and expectations are for Stourbridge.
The AAP was considered by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government at an Examination in Public held on the 21st May 2013. The Inspector found the AAP to be sound subject to a number of modifications. The Inspector’s Report was published on the 15th August 2013, and the adopted Stourbridge Area Action Plan incorporates the Report’s binding recommendations.
Dudley MBC adopted the Stourbridge AAP at a meeting of Council on 7th October 2013.