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The Council's regeneration officer works closely with communities to help local groups start and develop regeneration projects. This means helping to identify the problem, assess and sometimes implement the solution, including offering advice and information to help groups secure funding.

The range of support that the regeneration officer can offer include:

  • Feasibility Work and Business Planning. Supporting groups to explore their early ideas to understand how they can be taken forward into a project and what steps will be required to achieve this.
  • Seeking External Funding. Helping groups to prepare the application forms and supporting documentation to apply for funding for their projects.
  • Supporting Community Consultations. Working with groups to help them decide how they need to use the consultation for their project. The regeneration officer will also gather information to contribute to consultations and assist with the process of setting up and running consultation events.
  • Initial Project Design. To help shape the scope of the project.
  • Facilitating Groups. To enable them to develop or capacity build to achieve their aims, this may also include arranging training, if required.
  • Town Centre and Local Centre Masterplanning.

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Contact Us

Design and Delivery Team
Regeneration and Enterprise
4 Ednam Road
West Midlands