Some species of birds can create a nuisance. This may including noise, fouling, nesting, causing property damage, and can even lead to aggressive behaviour towards people.
All birds in England are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Ace 1981 and are enforced by the police. Therefore when dealing with nuisance birds it is an offence to do any of the following without a licence:
Catch alive
Take from a nest
Damage or destroy eggs
Harm, or attempt to harm in anyway
Dudley Council do not take action regarding pigeons or other wild birds, but our Pest Control service are more than happy to offer advice.
There are a range of techniques that are available to deal with nuisance caused by birds.
Using a scarecrow or other visual scarer
Noise deterrents or audible scarers, such as the birds' own alarm call or loud bangs
Restricting food access, such as cleaning up food spills immediately and keeping rubbish in secure bins
Using netting or bird-spikes, also known as 'proofing'. This prevents the birds landing or accessing areas where they're known to cause problems
The RSPB has further advice on deterring birds that are seen as pests, including pigeons and gulls.
Feeding birds in public areas can cause birds to expect food from people. This may also cause large breeds, such as gulls, to swoop and can cause injury.
Feeding can also greatly increase populations of birds like waterfowl and pigeons.
Deterrents for bird nuisance are not always long lasting. The law recognises that in some circumstance you may need take action that would otherwise be seen as illegal. You would therefore need a licence to carry out the following, which are available under certain conditions.
These are:
to prevent serious damage to crops, vegetables and fruit
to kill or take certain birds to preserve public health or safety
You cannot use this licence to kill birds because they are damaging your property, or are being a nuisance.
View the range of bird licences available and how to apply for them.
Animal Welfare
If you think someone may be keeping birds and are concerned about the welfare of the animals, such as the conditions they are living in, having water or food available, or a rare bird is being kept illegally. Please report your concern to the form below, and we will investigate any complaints.