Prosecutions Register for the Dudley Borough
A public register of prosecutions is maintained giving details of concluded prosecutions in accordance with the Environment and Safety Information Act 1988. We take into account the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and only publish prosecutions of individuals for the period during which the sentence is not spent. Otherwise, prosecutions are published for a period of 3 years. Please bear in mind that some offences may not come to our attention for some time and could have been committed many months ago. The business may now be trading legitimately, presenting no problem to consumers.
Where serious offences arise or there is a history of non-compliance, consideration will be given to pursuing prosecution. Examples of situations that could result in prosecution are:-
- Non-compliance with an Enforcement Notice or other legal notice.
- Breach of an authorisation/permit condition.
- Where there is a history of non-compliance.
- Operating a process requiring an authorisation/permit without one.
- Obstruction of an authorised officer.
Our aim is to promote a fair and safe trading environment in the borough to protect the consumer and ensure that businesses are competing on a "level playing field". We also have responsibilities in the field of animal health.
We have signed up to the Government's "Regulators Code" which sets out principles of good practice in regulatory and enforcement activity.
Before we undertake any criminal proceedings in court we have to ensure that the case is in the public interest to prosecute. We may instead offer alleged offenders the opportunity to formally admit their guilt and accept a simple caution. Our Enforcement Policy and Charter sets out the sort of criteria we use when considering legal action, and is currently available for consultation on our internet.
View details of Prosecutions
Below is an A-Z listing of prosecutions in the borough. To search, you can enter the name of the business into the keyword search box below. If you cannot find the information that you are looking for, please contact us by using the below contact form.