The following is intended as general guidance on some of the conditions that may be imposed on a licence to erect a scaffold or hoarding over or near a highway.
Erection of scaffolding
Scaffold to be to BS5973: 1993 (access and working scaffold and special scaffold structure in steel). Competent person to inspect scaffold to be named.
The siting of the scaffolding, together with the safety precautions necessary, shall be to the approval of the Council.
The scaffolding shall be painted white up to at least 1.8m with a minimum of 2.05m between standards dependant on design loadings, and a minimum of 2.4m headroom, signed and adequately lighted during the hours of darkness, to the approval of the Council.
The scaffolding must be lit, and a minimum of 1.2m pedestrian walkway provided, to the satisfaction of the Council.
The scaffolding shall not reduce the effective width of the footway.
The scaffolding shall not obstruct access to Statutory Undertakers underground chambers, boxes, manholes, hydrants etc.
Adequate maintenance of the scaffolding shall be carried out and precautions taken, to the satisfaction of the Council, to prevent materials, or anything whatsoever, falling from the scaffolding onto the highway.
The Council, as the Highway Authority shall be indemnified against any claims arising in the consequence of the erection, existence or removal of the scaffolding.
Proof of £5,000,000 Public Liability Insurance is required before a scaffold licence is issued.
The scaffolding shall be erected for only the minimum time necessary to carry out the works.
Management details must be submitted and approved prior to the issue of a licence, where there is potential for encroachment onto the highway. All signing shall be carried out in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual (Chapter 8).
Vertical and horizontal highway sight lines shall be maintained at all times
Any damage to the highway resulting from the erection, operation or removal of the scaffolding, shall be made good.
The scaffolding shall be removed forthwith upon request by the Council if urgent works to the highway are necessary and the Council shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the applicant in consequence of the removal.
Erection of hoarding
The siting of the hoarding and all safety precautions necessary shall be to the approval of the Council.
A Minimum of 1.2m clear width of the footway should be maintained at all times for pedestrian usage.
Where a 1.2m clear width of footway cannot be maintained, a signed and guarded walkway must be provided for pedestrians to the approval of the Council.
The hoarding must be lit either as a pedestrian walkway and/or for warning purposes to the satisfaction of the Council.
The hoarding shall not obstruct access to Statutory Undertakers underground chambers, boxes, manholes, hydrants etc.
Any excavation in the Public Highway to erect a hoarding shall be subject to the prior agreement of the Council, and an additional licence is required (Street Works Licence). It should be noted that a further fee and refundable deposit would be required in these circumstances.
No works on or to the public highway are permitted within the limits of the hoarding without prior approval of the Council and will be on the basis of a Street Works Licence (if applicable).
The Council, as the Highway Authority shall be indemnified against any claims arising in consequence of the erection, existence or removal of the hoarding.
Proof of £5,000,000 Public Liability Insurance is required before a hoarding licence is issued
The hoarding shall be erected for only the minimum time necessary to carry out the work.
Traffic Management details must be submitted and approved prior to the issue of a licence, where there is potential for encroachment onto the highway. All signing shall be carried out in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual (Chapter 8).
The hoarding must be painted in colour(s) agreed by the Council.
Vertical and horizontal highway sight lines shall be maintained at all times
Any damage to the highway resulting from the erection, operation or removal of the hoarding, shall be made good.