Open Data has been designed to encourage councils to publish data in a consistent format on popular themes.
Themes from June 2014 to March 2015 are:
- planning applications
- premises licences
- public toilets
The data set now includes
- premises licensed to sell alcohol for consumption on site
The data sets provided on this site have been produced in accordance with the guidelines specified by the Open Data and Transparency standards and Local Government Association for the Local open data incentive scheme. The data sets are based on records that Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council holds on computer.
You are advised that where sensitive or personal information is held, this has been redacted as a requirement of compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Some information may also be exempt from disclosure as a consequence of the exemptions contained within the Freedom of Information Act and/or exceptions detailed within the Environmental Information Regulations.
It is not therefore a complete replication of the databases of all information held by the Council.
Please do not rely on information from this site as an alternative to traditional and formal methods. We cannot accept any liability or responsibility should you rely on the information provided and ultimately find it to have been incorrect or incomplete.
What data formats are used?
The Open data published has been made freely available in tabular comma separated variables (CSV) format complying with a schema which defines the content of each data column (also known as a field).
Schemas are designed according to the following criteria.
- Provide useful data
- Make it simple for councils to publish open data
- Enable data users to accurately interpret data and aggregate it across councils
- Make the data human readable so long as it does not compromise the above criteria