Recycling in the Dudley borough is collected in three different containers. a blue bag, a green bag and a black box.
Recycling should only put out for collection in Dudley Council containers.
Residents can request additional containers if they are required.
It's really important that no other materials are included in either bag. This could lead to our reprocessors rejecting the material and sending it to landfill. It is also really bad for the environment. All materials sent to landfill incurs a significant cost to the taxpayer.
What goes where
Report lost or damaged bins and recycling containers
New or replacement black boxes and recycling bags can be requested using our online form. We do not limit how many a household may have.
We will not reimburse for lost or damaged bags and boxes if they are non-council issue.
More and more people want to recycle and help make a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations.
The wait for box and bag requests is about 10-12 weeks. Until your new containers arrive, you can use these temporary alternatives:
- Clear or semi-transparent bag for paper and cardboard (keep dry)
- Clear or semi-transparent bag for plastic and cans
- Plastic box for glass bottles (no broken glass)
Please use clear or semi-transparent bags so we can see the contents for sorting.
You can also take your recycling to our recycling points across the borough.
If you have any further issues, please report them via MyDudley or contact Dudley Council Plus.
Report a missed collection
If you have a query or issue relating to a missed collection, please report it using our online contact form
What happens to our recycling
Paper and cardboard
Paper and cardboard is taken to Palm Recycling’s paper mill in Kings Lynn. Here it is sorted using state of the art technology. This includes optical sorters and specially designed equipment.
Cardboard can also sent to a UK re-processing facility or Palm’s European mills.
Food and drink cans
Plastic bottles and cans are taken to Biffa’s sorting facility in Aldridge.
Plastics are then separated by polymer type and colour using Near Infra-Red Separation Technology. Beverage cans and food cans are recovered from the process by an over-band magnet. Non-Ferrous cans or Aluminium cans are recovered from the process using a current separator.
Glass bottles and jars
Glass bottles and jars are taken to Yorkshire based Berryman’s. Here machinery is used to sort the different colours of glass which are then used to make new glass packaging.