One of the most common insects that invades the house is the black ant, also known as the garden ant. A single worker ant will forage for food, normally with a sweet tooth, and notify his co-workers when identified. As a result, there will be an invasion of the property.
The ant is an active insect measuring 3-5mm in length and are dark brown to black in colour. They nest outside in grass, walls, under paving, and will happily enter buildings in search of food.
During late summer in the afternoon, winged male and female ants will emerge from the next mate, and will often cause a nuisance to to local residents.
*The council does offer a treatment service to eradicate ants, but due to the large numbers in a single ant nest, and the numbers of possible nests in an area, we cannot guarantee the treatment will completely eliminate the problem.
Control Measures
Although frequently inaccessible and difficult to destroy, ants' nests must be eradicated if infestations are to be successfully controlled. The nests of Garden Ants can be located by following their trails, and by observing small piles of fine earth brought up for example from under flagstones.
Boiling water poured on the nest will control the infestation for a short time at least.
This should be followed up by puffing a residual insecticidal powder product into the hole. Select a powder product which lists ants on its label and always follow label instructions.
A residual insecticidal lacquer can be applied around door thresholds, wall/floor junctions, windows, ventilators, ducts and drains, in fact anywhere where you see ants run. Attention should be given to small cracks.
If you regularly experience problems with ants it is recommended the above treatment commence during the late spring.
Fee Information
View Ant Treatment Fees.