Dudley Governor Services provides a comprehensive package of training and clerking options to meet the needs of a changing landscape in school governance.
Whether you are a school, an academy, an academy trust, a free or independent school we would be delighted to talk to you about how we can support governors and governance. We work with schools and trusts in Dudley and across the wider West Midlands.
All Dudley schools, academies, academy trusts and free schools
Schools, academies, academy trusts and free schools from across the West Midlands
A knowledgeable and well trained clerk is an asset to any governing board meeting and it is a statutory responsibility for a board to appoint a clerk. Our Governor Services team and clerks provide support and advice to ensure that the governing board operates fully within the legal framework in all its decision-making.
We can call on the expertise of clerks who have worked extensively with Access and Inclusion colleagues to support pupil disciplinary meetings and with HR colleagues to support staff disciplinary and grievance meetings. Vital areas where getting the fine details correct makes all the difference.
We provide a comprehensive series of clerking options to support full governing boards, trust boards, committees and ad hoc meetings of all types.
Clerking packages include:
Fully clerked governing board meetings with all documentation.
Clerk only arrangements where school provide their own documentation
Bespoke packages for committee, governing board, local governing board or academy trust requirements.
Support and training for school based clerks including all documentation, allowing you to clerk your own meetings.
Heavily subsidised access to GovernorHub is included with all service level agreements.
Being a school or academy governor is one of the most important voluntary roles you can undertake. The role of school governor and the status governance takes has increased greatly over the past few years and the contribution governors make to outcomes for children and young people is invaluable.
Along with this responsibility comes the need to ensure governors are well supported and well trained. Our commitment is to bring you the best support and training we can. This has to be one of the most comprehensive and cost effective governor training programmes available in the region.
The Governance Handbook and The Competency Framework for Governance have been pivotal in developing the programme of training and we have responded to feedback about last year's programme to create new sessions and opportunities.
We have maintained the focus on school improvement by retaining the sessions on best practice in various aspects of teaching and learning and we hope this training will support you and your school to improve or to maintain its already high standards.
Whether you are a new governor or a long standing one there should be something for everyone in the programme.
Visit our traded services portal Revolution to view available options, pricing details and purchase a package online.
The Association does a considerable amount of work in lobbying the Government about issues to do with schools and children. It was set up in 1994 when the Borough was the second poorest funded in the country for education; members met with the then Secretary of State for Education to make the case for better funding and then, partly as a result, Dudley’s level of funding improved.
The association continues to take a keen interest in local and national developments and provide a forum for discussion of key issues affecting the children and young people of Dudley as well as a voice for governing bodies across the local authority.