Dudley Youth Council is proud to announce that nominations are now open for the annual Dudley Youth Awards. Dudley Youth Awards aims to recognise and celebrate all the amazing young people in the borough for their hard work, dedication and achievements.
We need your help! Do you know a young person that deserves recognition for their hard work over the last year? Someone that always goes above and beyond? Maybe they have a creative talent that deserves to be celebrated, or they have had to overcome adversity? Maybe they have helped to improve their local area? Then why not nominate them for one of our awards?
Award Categories
Young people’s artistic and creative talent, whether it be art, drama, music or any form of creativity.
Young people’s sporting talents and achievements, whether its as an individual or as part of a team.
Young people’s learning and educational successes and achievements.
Young people who are compassionate towards others and excellent role models.
Groups of young people and individuals who have made an impact together in the lives of young people.
Young people who have shown their leadership skills, styles and qualities in improving things for others.
Young people who have championed causes that bring about more equality and hope for all.
Groups of adults (e.g charities, companies etc) and individuals can be nominated for making a difference to the young people of Dudley; recognising adults who make an outstanding contribution to young people. Young People and adults can nominate for this category.
Young carers who give up their own time to look after someone they know who has a condition, such as a disability, illness or mental health condition and takes on big jobs at a young age.
Nomination criteria
Only young people aged 11-19 (up to 25 with disabilities) can be nominated – unless it is for the inspiring futures award which is the only adult category.
Young people nominated must live or go to school in Dudley.
Nominations are now open. Closing date for nominations has now been extended until Friday 17 March 2023.