Once you have established you need to make an application to the Building Control Service you are faced with which type of application to make.
There are three main types of application:
A Full Plans Application is the only way to gain a Building Regulations Approval, fordomestic or commercial works; this is because full construction details including scaled plans and specification for the development are provided to the department for assessment prior to works beginning on site. Once received the department will assess the submitted plans and, if necessary, request any amendments or further information relating to the works until they demonstrate compliance with the Building Regulations. An Approval or Conditional Approval will then be issued.
Statute gives the local authority 5 weeks to assess and make a decision on a Full Plans Application submitted; this can be extended to 2 months upon request. This will normally give the applicant or their representative time to amend plans as required so that an approval can be given. Applications are frequently determined before the full time period has elapsed. Once approved, construction can commence in line with the Approved Plans.
A Full Plans Application should include a completed application form, a location plan, accurate drawings clearly showing the proposed works, a clear and concise construction specification, any other information relevant to the works such as structural or thermal calculations and the appropriate fee.
A Building Notice is an acceptable application fordomestic worksonly; it is little more than a statement of your intention to undertake Building Works of some kind. An acceptance letter is usually sent from the Local Authority within 2 working days providing the application form is correctly completed and the required fee is included at the time of the application.
This letter will provide the details of the assigned case officer who should be contacted upon commencement of the works.
As the Building Notice procedure does not include for the approval of any plans, issues may arise that you had not expected or budgeted for. This could delay or make completing the intended works difficult or more expensive than you initially thought.
If your development is affected by a Public Sewer, as shown on Severn Trent Water Ltds’ published map of sewers, you are unfortunately not permitted to use a Building Notice, but must submit a Full Plans Application.
Works that have been previously undertaken without consent can be formalised with a Regularisation Application. An application can be made for any works undertaken back to 11thNovember 1985, the more information that is available about the works the better and easier it will be for the department to make an accurate assessment of compliance. The one key piece of information required is the date at which the works where undertaken, as the compliance of the works will need to be checked as closely as possible to the requirements applicable at that time. It may be necessary to open up parts of the works to establish the construction design and materials used.
Should any defects be identified these will need to be put right before the department can issue a Regularisation Certificate.
Application Submissions
Please note: Due to a significant increase in Building Control applications there is currently a slight processing delay.
You should receive an application reference number/acknowledgement within 7 days, unfortunately we will not be able to answer queries on submissions before this time.
At this time we are unfortunately unable to offer any general advice or guidance unless you have a current application or it is a Statutory Function.
We would recommend that you seek your own appropriate professional advice from a suitably qualified person or view the LABC Front Door where there is advice and guidance relating to projects and construction.
Alternatively you may wish to view the pages of the Planning Portal for further advice and access to the Approved Documents.
We are happy accept applications by email and post.
Please send us your application form and relevant information by email: