Within the Borough there is an increasing number of war memorials being added to the Statutory List in commemoration of the centenary of the First World War (2014-2018).
The aftermath of the First World War saw the biggest single wave of public commemoration ever, with tens of thousands of memorials erected across the country. This was the result of both the huge impact on communities of the loss of three quarters of a million British lives, and also the official policy of not repatriating the dead: therefore the memorials provided the main focus of the grief felt at this great loss. War memorials attract considerable public interest and unless compromised by alteration or of little design interest, there is a presumption in favour of listing all war memorials.
Since 2014 a number of the War Memorials located within the borough are considered to be of national significance and have now been added to the statutory list and these include:
- Brierley Hill War Memorial, Church Street, Brierley Hill – Historic England List Entry No. 1423776;
- Dudley Boer War Memorial, Dudley Cemetery, Stourbridge Road, Dudley – Historic England List Entry No.1434997;
- Halesowen War Memorial, graveyard of St John the Baptist Church, Halesowen – Historic England List Entry No. 1435069;
- Memorial Tower to the former Dudley Sessions Court, Priory Street, Dudley - Historic England List Entry No. 1393884;
- Memorial Archway at Stourbridge War Memorial Athletic Ground, Stourbridge Cricket and Football Club - Historic England List Entry No. 1439656;
- Pensnett War Memorial, High Street - Historic England List Entry No. 1463503;
- Quarry Bank Peace Memorial and Garden, Stevens Park - Historic England List Entry No. 1442310;
- Stourbridge War Memorial, Mary Stevens Park - Historic England List Entry No. 1116647;
- Woodsetton War Memorial, Sedgley Road - Historic England List Entry No. 1462126.
Within the borough there are also a lot of non-designated heritage assets that have been erected to commemorate the war, for more information please search on the Council’s Historic Environment Record.
Adding Names to War Memorials
When proposals are put to the Council for the addition of names to existing war memorials, the Council will follow the guidance provided by the War Memorial Trust when giving consideration to proposals.