The existing Brierley Hill Area Action Plan (AAP) was adopted on the 5th of August 2011 and has a plan period which runs up to 2026. It provides the planning framework for the regeneration of Brierley Hill Strategic Centre and forms the current development plan for assessing and determining planning applications within the plan area.
The Brierley Hill Plan (AAP Review)
Dudley Council are now reviewing the AAP, as the Brierley Hill Plan, and have completed a consultation on the first stage, the Issues and Options Report, along with an associated Sustainability Appraisal. The consultation took place from Monday 10 January 2022 to Monday 28 February 2022.
- The Brierley Hill Plan (BHP) is a review of the AAP and once adopted, which is currently planned to be in 2024, will supersede it. Following its adoption in 2024, the plan period for the Brierley Hill Plan will be up to 2039.
- The BHP will provide direction for the future growth and regeneration of the area, seek to deliver the strategic policies and targets from the emerging Black Country PlanĀ as well as responding to national planning guidance, and important planning issues and challenges, such as Climate Change.
- The Issues and Options Stage of the plan focuses on the planning issues facing Brierley Hill and presents options on how these issues can be resolved and needs met.
- The comments received during the consultation on the Issues and Options Report will help inform the next stage of the BHP: the draft plan stage, which will contain draft site allocations and draft policies. We are proposing to consult on this next stage of the plan during early 2023.