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Renewable Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Renewable Energy SPD was adopted on 28th October 2015.

The Renewable Energy SPD is key to delivering renewable sources of energy in the Borough, by encouraging new developments to increase the amount of energy provided by renewable sources.

The SPD provides detailed guidance on the Black Country Core Strategy Policy ENV7(Renewable Energy) which requires all major developments to provide 10% of their energy from renewable sources. The SPD contains guidance on the range of renewable technologies that will be acceptable by the Council and provides step by step guidance on calculating 10% renewable energy requirement for the development.

Consultation was undertaken between 13th March till 24th April 2015 on the SPD and the responses and comments received through this were used to inform the final document.

Contact Details


Strategic Planning and Historic Environment
Planning and Economic Development
Directorate of Place
4 Ednam Road
West Midlands