The Council's Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how we consult on planning policy documents, planning, and related, applications as well as who we consult with and for how long.
The SCI explains how we intend to engage with the community in a way which reflects the aims and objectives of the Council Plan, with particular regard to:-
- using straightforward language to get the message across;
- enabling the community to have more involvement in shaping their neighbourhoods by promoting Neighbourhood Planning;
- engaging with, and getting views from, a wider cross section of the community;
- using new and a wide range of communication methods, for example, social media networks.
Previous versions of the SCI were published in 2017 and 2020. An amended and updated version was adopted by the Council in January 2023. The Statement of Community Involvement (2023).
The SCI was updated to enable the Council to have flexibility in consulting on development plan documents, in line with government regulations.
In addition, this latest SCI takes forward measures from the previous SCI (2020) in allowing the Council to be able to effectively engage with stakeholders on its planning documents and planning processes during any times of nationally or locally prescribed periods of social distancing should they arise.
The Statement of Community Involvement(2023) is attached below.