Planning applications submitted to the Council are either considered by the Planning Committee or delegated to the Director of Regeneration and Enterprise for decision.
Applications are normally referred to the Planning Committee if any of the following criteria apply:
There is a substantial objection from local residents or from a statutory consultee;
The proposal is in conflict with the Local Development Framework
The officer's recommendation is to refuse the development where substantial support for the development is received;
The Committee Chairperson or a local Ward Councillor requests (on sound planning grounds) that the application be referred to committee;
The proposal would have a significant environmental or economic impact.
You are welcome to attend this Committee and listen to the debate, or you can speak directly to the councillors who make the decisions on planning applications.
Look for the latest planning application decisions in our weekly lists.
All meetings of the Committee commence at 6.00 p.m. in the Council House, Dudley. A full schedule of dates is available through the online committee information system.
Members of the public may attend the meetings except for the consideration of exempted items which normally occur at the end of the agenda
As part of its commitment to openness and to public participation in local government, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council offers those affected by development proposals the opportunity to put their case personally and directly to the Council Committee which makes decisions on planning and other similar applications. The opportunity to speak is available to all objectors to development proposals which are to be considered by the Planning Committee. Applicants themselves will also be invited to speak in response to members of the public who have indicated an intention to speak. The opportunity to speak is also available to the applicant for development proposals which are being recommended to Committee for refusal of planning permission, or to their supporters, but not to both. A leaflet on Public Speaking at the Planning Committee provides advice for objectors and applicants (see attached pdf below:- Public Speaking at Planning Committee).
Additionally for those applications that are to be considered by the Planning Committee. The minutes of the meetings and officer reports are now available to view on-line. The system defaults to current committee information. Previous agendas, minutes and reports are also available through the calendar at the top of the screen.
The Planning Committee deals with matters relating to town and country planning and development control, including the determination of planning applications.
The Planning Committee agendas are available for inspection 5 days prior to Committee meetings. You can view the agendas and other documents:
The order of the agenda for the Committee will be varied on the night to allow those applications where people wish to speak to be considered at the beginning of the meeting.
The Committee has a report on each application which sets out all material considerations and include an Officer recommendation.
The Planning representative will introduce the report and will report any matters that have arisen since the publication of the report, for example the receipt of further objections or technical information that are listed on the Pre-Committee note. A virtual tour of the site may be presented to the Committee using digital photograph or video imagery.
The Chair then invites the objector/supporter or a representative (if any) to address the Committee.
The Chair will then invite the applicant or a representative of the applicant to speak in support of the application and allow him/her to comment on issues raised by objectors.
The Planning and/or other Officers such as Highway Engineers or Environmental Health Officers (as appropriate) may be invited to comment on issues raised by the speakers.
The Committee will then debate the issues and may ask the Planning and other Officers questions and make, in the majority of cases, a decision on the application (but see below).
Occasionally, an application may be deferred by the Committee without debate of the issues, for example because further information is awaited; in such cases, speakers will not be permitted to address the Committee, but will be invited to speak when the application is debated at a future meeting.
If Committee defers the application after the hearing of a speaker or speakers, to enable for example, a site visit, speakers will not be allowed to address Committee at a future meeting unless the application has been materially altered. Speakers will be notified in writing of the determination of the application.
Members of the public are not allowed to take part in the debate nor question Members, Officers or applicants whilst the Committee is determining the application.
Anyone arriving after an application has been dealt with, will not be allowed to speak on that application.
When viewing theonline Committee systemyou will be able to find out about the various committees and individuals who represent you on your local council. Find out who sits on which committees, any declarations they have made, examine agendas and minutes of any meeting and find out how to contact any member of your local council. A fulllist of datesfor committee meetings are also available.
Once a decision is made by the committee it can beviewed on-lineon the Councils website.