When somebody close to you dies, it can be helpful to get advice and support to help you deal your loss. You can seek practical help from the funeral directors involved, or from your family doctor. If you need more guidance or support, though, there are agencies that can help.
There are lots of people and organisations who can help you get through the weeks, months and years following a death. You can ask for practical help and advice about what happens next and what you need to do from your solicitor, a trusted religious counsellor, or social services.
If health visitors or district nurses worked with the person who died, they may also be able to help. If the person died in a hospital, staff there can sometimes give you practical advice about what to expect.
It can help to talk with someone sympathetic, who understands what you're going through. You can check the websites of the organisations and charities listed below for basic information about what they do, and for national contact numbers. Please note that we do not accept any responsibility in relation to these Organisations or Charities.
Cruse Bereavement Careworks with and supports people who have been bereaved. It focuses on helping them understand their grief, and cope with their loss. Its services are free.
Child Bereavement UKsupports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Every year we train almost 7000 professionals, helping them to better understand and meet the needs of grieving families.
Age Concernis a national charity focused on helping and supporting the elderly. It can offer practical advice on what you need to do when someone close to you dies. It can help you find out how to go about registering a death, arranging a funeral and sorting out financial matters.
The Samaritansoffer confidential, non-judgemental support through a telephone help line. The line is available 24 hours a day, and is for people who are experiencing severe distress or despair. It can offer help to those with problems so severe they are considering suicide. It also offers support through emails, letters and face-to-face meetings.