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Additional resources for those working with parents

Association for Infant Mental Health

The Association for Infant Mental Health's Getting to Know Your Baby videos have been designed to help parents, caregivers, and health professionals to know how to support the development of a baby’s emotional wellbeing.

TEDx talk

TEDx talk (video) - summarising the importance of supporting when there is a challenge within the parent-infant relationship and how simple interventions can have profound impact.


UNICEF Toolkit - Understanding and supporting mental health in infancy and early childhood


Sharing the brain story - Using metaphors to explain child development


Should I be worried? - Supporting families with attachment issues

UK Trauma Council

Childhood trauma and the brain (video) - How children’s brains are affected by trauma and neglect

Fatherhood Institute

Mainstreaming fathers - Mainstreaming fathers in family hubs

Perinatal mental health and parent-infant relationships

Guidance and resources

A Parent-Infant Relationships Services Commissioning Toolkit, produced by the Parent-Infant Foundation and Newcastle University, which provides advice for establishing services.

Mums and Babies in Mind (MABIM) tools and resources.

Start for Life - Parent and infant relationship webinar slides

New NHSE perinatal and infant mental health e-learning modules - a short film to introduce the learning programme.