Dudley Council has access to the Grantfinder funding database holding information on European, Central Government and Scottish Executive grant funding programmes. In addition the database holds information on all National Lottery Good Cause funding programmes along with information on over 500 charitable trusts.
If your project has reached the stage at which you are ready to contact possible funders, then the Council's Principal Arts Policy Officer can carry out a funding search for you to identify possible funders you may wish to contact.
If you would like a funding search, please call us and provide a summary of your organisation and project details. A copy of your constitution will also be required.
National Lottery Community Fund is a Lottery grants programme aimed at local communities, awarding grants of between £300 and £10,000 in a simple straightforward way. Sometimes quite small sums of money can have a big impact!
Arts Forward aspires to be the world's most successful & widespread creative network. They help business people support the arts and the arts inspire business people, because good business and great art together create a richer society.
Grants for the Arts uses National Lottery funding to support activities that engage people in arts activities and help artists and arts organisation carry out their work.
For more information and for details on how to apply, please visit Arts Council England.