Dudley Music Education Hub is committed to giving all young people access to music education. The lead partner (Dudley Performing Arts) holds partnership agreements to facilitate this commitment with 90% of all maintained schools and academies within our area including primary and secondary schools, post 16 colleges and all special schools/pupil referral units.
Use of Music Education Hub Grant
The grant is used to subsidise costs to schools for Whole Class Instrumental Tuition, bespoke programmes for special schools and for all schools/students engaging with individual/small group tuition. Significant funding is allocated to small group tuition to provide the most affordable option for all students. The grant also supports music groups that are available at no cost to students who attend schools or live in the hub area.
Strategic approach
Although Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium funding is made available nationally to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between them and their peers, Dudley Music Education Hub does not have direct access to these funds. Through the annual partnership review, Dudley Performing Arts champions use of these funds to subsidies music tuition and has implemented a simple scheme to allow schools to subsidise tuition for individuals or specific groups of students. Schools are not able to renew access to the ‘DPA Direct Scheme’ without engaging in related conversations.
Ensemble Membership
Dudley Performing Arts will provide a 100% remission on fees associated with performance groups for all students eligible for Pupil Premium.
Instrument hire
Where hire charges are applicable, Dudley Performing Arts will provide a 100% remission for all students eligible for Pupil Premium.
Looked after children
Dudley Performing Arts works in partnership with the Dudley Virtual School to ensure that children in care have access to free music tuition and other opportunities. This currently targets year 4 where all children in care are offered free music lessons. In addition, Dudley Performing Arts works with many other schools to extend the offer the children in other year groups.
Charging Policy
Charges to schools and families are agreed with the Lead of Education Outcomes and Inclusion prior to the start of each academic year. Charges include rates that enable schools to commission work on an hourly basis as well as rates for parents to buy into lessons on an individual basis.