The following terms and conditions govern use of sites owned and/or managed by Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council (“the Council”) for the purposes of advertising.
These terms and conditions must be adhered to by all users of the Council’s poster sites (“the Advertisers”).
In using the poster sites for the purposes of advertising, you (as and Advertiser) are automatically subject to and agree to these terms and conditions.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding these terms of use conditions, please contact the Council’s Corporate Communications and Public Affairs department directly by phone, email or in writing; tel: 01384 815228, email:, address:Dudley Council House, Priory Road, Dudley, DY1 1HF
Advertisers are responsible for the content of their advertisements. This includes, but is not limited to, owning the copyright or having permission to use any photographs or artwork displayed.
All information contained in the advertisement must be accurate, complete and true.
Any advertisement content deemed by the Council to be indecent or inappropriate may be removed at any time (“Unacceptable Content”). Generally, Unacceptable Content includes, but is not limited to, advertisements that contain, infer or suggest any of the following:
Advocacy of, or opposition to, any political subjects or issues;
Disparagement or promotion of any person or class of persons;
Promoting or inciting illegal, violent or socially undesirable acts;
Promotion or availability of tobacco products, weapons, gambling or illegal drugs;
Promotion or availability of adult or sexually orientated entertainment or materials; and
Promotion of events or products that a reasonable citizen may not consider to maintain the dignity and decorum of the Council.
The Council reserves the right to amend the advertisement artwork to the correct size of 60x40 inches.
The Council must be advised of any change to an Advertiser’s contact details, including: postal address, telephone number and email address.
The Council adheres to the Data Protection Act 1998 and as such handles client data in a responsible and exclusively purposeful way in accordance with this legislation.
All paid advertising received by the Council from the Advertiser is non-refundable.
Payments to the Council for poster sites booked will be due from the Advertiser within 21 clear days of the date stated on the face of the invoice (“the invoice date”).
Placing an order with the Council for the use of the poster sites shall amount to an acceptance of these terms and conditions by the Advertiser.
Return of the booking form to the Council by post or email shall be deemed acceptance of the order and the terms and conditions contained herein by the Advertiser
Any cancellations are non refundable
Should the Advertiser cease to provide the services advertised using the poster sites, the Council is released from any obligation to supply the Advertiser with advertising and the Advertiser’s poster(s) will be removed.