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Health and safety affects people and businesses throughout Dudley borough and beyond.

We deal with complaints over a wide range of matters. For example, we often receive complaints about:

  • lack of training
  • unsafe equipment
  • unsafe stacking of stock
  • lack of hot water in welfare facilities

We will investigate your complaint and the investigation will have two main aims:

  • To identify and prevent risks to public health and safety
  • To investigate health and safety offences and take steps to secure compliance

How do I make a complaint?

Please use our Health and Safety Complaint form to make a complaint, giving as much detail as possible.

An officer is normally available between the office hours of 9am and 5pm and will respond normally within five working days, unless the matter is particularly serious, when we will respond as soon as possible.

What happens first?

Within five working days of making your complaint, we will usually contact you to:

  • confirm details of your complaint
  • give you an initial assessment of your complaint
  • give you details of how to keep in touch with us

Dudley Council does not deal with all health and safety matters. It may be necessary for us to refer you to another enforcement body such as the Health and Safety Executive.

What further information do we need from you?

When we contact you we may ask for more information. We will need to know:

  • the name and address of the workplace or activity you are concerned about
  • whether the risk is happening now and if not, when and where it occurred
  • how long it is/has been going on for
  • how often it happens
  • who is at risk
  • what further details and descriptions you have of your concerns

As your complaint could lead to prosecution(s), we may ask you and other witnesses to provide statements.

How do we investigate your complaint?

We will not always visit the premises you have complained about. After speaking to you and making an initial assessment, we may decide to phone the premises and ask them to rectify the matter you are complaining about.

If we feel it is necessary, we will visit the premises you are complaining about to attempt to witness the matter being complained about.

If we judge that health and safety legislation is being breached, we will ensure the issue is rectified.

If we visit the premises and judge that all relevant health and safety legislation is being complied with, we cannot legally require any improvements at the premises. We may be able to make suggestions for improvement but these are not enforceable.

How long does an investigation take?

The time taken to investigate a complaint will vary, ranging from a few days to many months. Cases that result in a enforcement action, other than a letter or verbal advice, can take over a year to complete.

What are the likely outcomes of your complaint?

The main aim of any complaint investigation is to make sure that unsafe conditions are made safe. The complaint investigation will also establish whether any health and safety offence has been committed.

If we have sufficient evidence to prove that an offence has been committed, we may consider enforcement action to rectify the concerns.

You will be told about the outcome of the investigation and the investigating officer will explain to you the reasons behind the final decision in your case.

How am I protected by the law if I make a complaint?

There are a lot of legal protection available under UK law. Any complaint received by the Council will be dealt with sensitively and we will keep your identity confidential.

Sometimes a business may want to apologise to you. In these cases we will only reveal your identity if you give your consent.

Will the Council's investigation help me to claim compensation?

The Council's team cannot give you advice about your right to compensation. You would need to take independent legal advice regarding this. Citizens Advice can provide further information about your legal rights.

Further information

Contact us

Telephone: 0300 555 2345

Environmental Health and Safety
Council House
Priory Road

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 5pm
Offices are closed weekends and Bank Holidays