Have You Noticed?
Most people will have noticed the difference in the amount of traffic on the roads at rush hour during term-time as compared to the school holidays. Generally, there seems to be less traffic on the roads at rush-hour during the school holidays and journey times are noticeably less due to the absence of school run traffic.
Did you know?
That 29% of children travel to school by car when the average distance to primary school is only 1.4 miles and only 2.9 miles for secondary schools? It would only take approximately 1/2 hour to walk 1.4 miles. Next time you drive to school at rush-hour, check how long it takes - you may be surprised to find that, due to traffic, your journey may not be as quick as you thought.
What You Can Do!
Get bespoke journey planning with printable maps and timetables for walking, bus, road and rail routes;
Access to mapping information on transport facilities such as: pedestrian crossing points, local bus stops,walking bus routes, cycle routes, car parks and park and stride locations;
Find details on school activities, clubs and events occurring within your local area;
Find out how to travel in a more sustainable, healthy and environmentally friendly way.
Who can help?
Dudley has gained funding to provide a School Travel Plan Advisor, Linda Tromans, to assist schools to write their own Travel Plans. Road Safety Officers will work with schools to run Safer Routes to School projects. Ideas generated by pupils can be used to bid for funds to help create or promote Safer Routes to School.