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Licences are required so that applications for skips to be placed on the public highway comply with the requirements of legislation.

Licences are required to ensure the skips are not placed so as to block access to property or apparatus within the highway, reduce highway widths to an unacceptable extent or to restrict visibility at junctions, accesses and crossing points.

Skip Licences are issued only to recognised skip companies. This ensures skips are adequately maintained, showing the details of the owner of the skip should an emergency occur.

Any company wishing to place a skip within the highway must provide documentary evidence of the appropriate level of public liability insurance (currently £5m) at the time that they apply for the Skip Licence.

The requirements are laid out in the Highways Act 1980: section 139 road traffic regulations act, 1984

Contact Us

Highways Maintenance
Environmental Management
Lister Road Depot
Lister Road

Telephone: 0300 555 2345