The Environmental Agency regulates A1 activities, which concern more polluting and complex industries, e.g. power stations. Enquiries about A1 activities should be made to the Environment Agency.
We undertake the inspection and regulation of all Part A2 Activities within the Borough. These installations have the potential to cause pollution to air, land and water. In Dudley these activities include large foundries and brick manufacturers. The Part A2 activities regime is known as Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (LA-IPPC). Part A2 activities are regulated by local authorities who will inspect installation to ensure that it is complying with the conditions of the environmental permit.
Anyone operating an activity that falls into the Part A2 category described above must submit an application, with the appropriate fee, to us. We must then determine the permit in accordance with government guidance. If you wish to find out which activities require a permit, these can be found in ‘Schedule 1, Part 2 of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016.’
The costs incurred in obtaining and retaining an environmental permit are not straightforward. If you would like further information regarding fees and charges please contact Environmental Safety and Health.
LAPPC (Part B) Fees
LA-IPPC (Part A2) Fees
These change according to, for example, legislative changes and inflation. There are charges for:
Only a person who has control over the operation of a regulated facility may obtain or hold an Environmental Permit. This person is the “operator”. A permit application may be made by an agent on behalf of the operator.
Applications forms for A2 processes are available from the Environmental Safety and Health team. Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposals with us prior to submitting an application.
Application Evaluation Process
Pre- application discussions between operators and regulators can help in improving the quality of the formal permit application and are therefore encouraged.
The permit application must be made on the form provided, it must include all of the information required by the form and it must be accompanied by the relevant fee.
If the application is correctly made & includes the relevant fee it will be “duly made” which means it has been accepted by us.
The permit application will not be duly made if for instance;
It has not been submitted on the correct form,
It does not adequately address a key point in the application,
The relevant fee does not accompany the permit application.
We aim to decide whether an application has been duly made within 10 working days of receipt.
How long will my application take to process?
We aim to determine an application for an A2 installation within 4 months of the application being duly made.
This time period of 4 months does not include any time taken for the request for additional information.
We will confirm that we have received your application. Please contact us if you have any queries using the details below.
Can I start to operate a permitted process without a permit being issued? (i.e. will tacit consent apply)
No. It is illegal to operate a permitted process without a permit being issued.
No new installation or substantial change to an existing installation may be operated without a permit or variation. It is an offence under EP regulation 38(1)(a) to operate a regulated facility without a permit and to the extent authorised by that permit.
The charging scheme for fees specifies a higher than normal fee for applications made where an operator has been operating a listed activity unlawfully without a permit.
In the event that new categories of activity are subsequently added by future amendments to the EP Regulations, those amendment Regulations will include deadlines by which applications must be made for new and existing installations.