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There are many groups with support and advice for people managing their food needs on a tight budget.


Food banks help individuals and families in crisis by providing emergency food and offer supplies.

  • Referral may be required.

Black Country Foodbank

Black Country Foodbank helps vulnerable individuals and families in crisis. They offer the provision of emergency food and toiletry supplies while a longer-term solution is developed.

Brierley Hill Babybank

Many families experience financial hardship as they try to adjust to having a new baby at home. The Brierley Hill Babybank supports families with baby essentials.

Giving Hands

Giving Hands help with the immediate needs of local individuals and families living in poverty and deprivation. They do this by providing food, clothing, sleeping bags and bedding, furniture, household items and advice as well as food and toiletry parcels. They can also provide electric/gas top-up vouchers, particularly for the elderly.

Provision House - Food Club and Social Supermarket

Provision House Food Club and Social Supermarket is a membership-based community project that provides a variety of groceries to families who need to save some money on their food bills. They have a range of items including fresh, chilled and frozen produce, tins and packets, toiletries and cleaning products. We sometimes have breads and pastries and a few baby products to. The quantity and variety can change from week to week.

Memberships costs £4 per visit, and you will be able to take around £20 of produce. We hope that being a member provides a sense of ownership and stability to our families.

Referral is required.

Springs Church Community Grocery Stall

Springs Church, based at Hope House in Gornal, are providing a vital service to the community.

People are able to access the community grocery store if they are in need of low cost shopping.

The cost is £4.00 for a twenty item shop and people can shop twice a week.

To join the community grocery store it costs £5.00 per year (free if you are a debt service user) The community grocery store is open:

St Thomas Association

If you live in the St Thomas area of Dudley, there is a local foodbank running at the community centre. No referral is required. 
The foodbank is open Wednesday, 5pm-7pm and Sunday, 11am-1pm.

Top Church Training - The Connect Project

Top Church Training was formed in Brierley Hill in the borough of Dudley in March 1997. Their mission is to support local people to reduce their isolation, build social connections and participate in community life, provide access to specialist services when required and to empower them to move on to better outcomes in their lives.

Trussell Trust

Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of food banks and provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty.


Many café’s have special offers to help people with the cost of living


Asda is running a ‘Kids eat for £1' offer that has no need to buy an adult meal at the same time. 

They have also launched a scheme where those aged 60 and over can enjoy soup, a roll and unlimited tea and coffee for £1. This is available in any of its 205 cafes throughout November and December.


Morrisons has a permanent ‘Kids eat free' offer for every adult meal purchased over £4.99.


Sainsbury’s has ‘feed your family for a fiver’ advice. This provides customers with cheap meal ideas


Tesco's ‘Kids eat free' scheme allows parents to claim a free kids meal worth up to £3.25 on weekdays during school holidays.

The meal can be claimed with any purchase in the cafe. You must be a Clubcard holder to take advantage of the offer.

Additional Advice

You can look out for offers across, shops, restaurants and pub restaurants. Many have special menu offers across school holidays.

Price cut food

Discounts and offers

GOV.UK's Help for Households site provides a useful list of offers from which are available from businesses to help with the cost of living.

Interest-free food loans

Iceland has launched an interest-free loan scheme to help families pay for food over the school holidays.

Iceland Food Club allows customers on a low income to apply for a pre-loaded card of between £25 and £75. Repayments are set at £10 a week. It is important to understand there are risks with taking out credit. You should make sure you understand how repayments work.

Support for carers

Carers who are struggling with increased energy and food costs may be eligible for a free slow cooker. 

With concerns about increased energy and food costs, Dudley Carers Hub and Wellbeing Service are supporting carers to have access to an energy efficient cooking appliance that could help them to save money long term.

Carers will be provided a slow cooker and support on how to make the most of the appliance, as well as information, advice and support on managing finances, paying bills, staying warm and accessing eligible benefits, Household Support Payments or discount schemes from the Wellbeing Service.

Carers who are providing unpaid care to a family member, friend or neighbour due to illness, disability or substance dependency and struggling with the cost of living can be referred to the scheme by a professional organisation currently working with them.

For more information contact Dudley Carers Hub and Wellbeing Service

Free food apps

Cooking classes

High Oak Youth and Community Centre

34 High Oak, Dudley, Brierley Hill DY5 4LA

Cooking class

  • Tuesday 11am - 1pm

Contact Angela Edwards

Lighthouse Café

24-26 Salop Street, Dudley, DY1 3AT

Family Cooking Club

  • Thursday 9.30am - 10.30am

Call to book: 07763407612

Wrens Nest Navigators

Priory Park Community School, Meadow Road, DY1 3JY

Children's Cooking Session (Age 7 to 13)

  • Wednesday 4.30pm to 5.30pm

Refferal required. Email for more details


Allotments and community gardens

Getting involved with allotments  and community gardens can be a great way to grow food, save money and help improve wellbeing.

Hawbush Community Garden

Hawbush Community Garden is a small environmental site operating on the Hawbush Estate, in the DY5 area of Brierley Hill.

They have allotments, a pond area, orchard, picnic area and woodland site.

Jasmine Road Community Gardens

Jasmine Road Community Gardens based in Kates Hill offers community gardening and a wellbeing space that includes a community cafe & hub.

Connect Project - The Allotment

Tuesdays, 12.30pm - 2.30pm, Brierley Hill (referral only).

Join the Connect Project to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Healthy Start Scheme

If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

If you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops. The NHS will add your benefit onto this card every 4 weeks.

You can use your card to buy:

  • plain liquid cow’s milk
  • fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables
  • fresh, dried, and tinned pulses
  • infant formula milk based on cow’s milk

You can also use your card to collect:

Healthy Start vitamins – these support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding vitamin drops for babies and young children – these are suitable from birth to 4 years old