Emergencies can happen at any time and often with very little or no notice. When they do happen, we along with the emergency services and partner agencies work together to protect life, property and the environment and look after the welfare of people in affected communities
We ask all members of the community to be aware of the possibility of emergencies occurring within the locality of their homes, workplace, educational establishments or within their social activities.
What is an emergency?
An emergency can be difficult to define as what one person may consider an emergency, another may not. Emergencies are usually events that cannot be dealt with under normal working arrangements, requiring a co-ordinated and cohesive response.
We work within the framework set by the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, which provides a single statutory framework for civil protection in the UK at a local level.
Examples of emergency events
- Weather related (floods, storms, heavy snow, heatwave).
- Public safety (fire, unexploded bomb, terrorism, explosion, chemical/nuclear attack).
- Disease (pandemic flu or animal disease).
- Major transport incident (road, rail, air).
- Loss of essential services (electric, gas or water)
In Case of Emergency contacts (ICE)
If you are involved in an emergency situation and are unable to give rescuers your details it is suggested you do one of two things to help yourself in these instances.
- Firstly Dudley Emergency Planning Team have a credit card sized, ICE Card, available to the public, which can be filled in with your family or friends contact details so that the Emergency Services can make contact with them if you are unable to give personal details. This eventuality could happen if you are unconscious or cannot give details of allergies etc. These are available from libraries within Dudley or contact us to request one.
- Alternatively you can put the word ICE into the phone book of your mobile phone with the contact number you wish for your closest member of family or friend, the emergency services are aware of this system, especially the Ambulance Service.
Community resilience
The "Preparing for emergencies: Guide for communities framework" provides you with guidance on why and how you can help your community to be prepared and help that may be available to support community preparedness.
The "Community emergency plan toolkit" also provides a step-by-step guide on producing a community emergency plan.
You may also find the West Midlands Conurbation Local Resilience Forum a useful resource.