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Consultation on the proposal to add a specialist base at Ellowes Hall School

Parents, carers and stakeholders in Dudley borough are being invited to take part in a consultation on the proposal to add a Resource Provision to Ellowes Hall School, part of the Invictus Academy.

Dudley Council has a statutory duty to provide each child in its area with an appropriate school place. There is an identified need within the Dudley area for places for children with Special Educational Needs with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

The Council is consulting on plans to provide an inclusive Resource Provision at Ellowes Hall School, which will meet the needs of up to 12 young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Related Proposals:

This is the second wave of bases across the borough as part of a wider EHCP plan within Dudley Council and SEND needs.

All responses must be received by 5 May 2024

Public Access: 
Consultations, plans and policies will be published as follows:

Ellowes Hall School


By January 2025, Dudley Council (the Council) will set up a Resource Provision at Ellowes Hall School to meet the needs of pupils with complex social, emotional and mental health needs and with an Education, Health and Care Plan.

This is part of the Council’s SEND improvement journey, and in response to an identified lack of such provision.

The Council is consulting on proposals to make this specialist inclusion base at Ellowes Hall School, a permanent addition to the school.

Ellowes Hall School is a secondary school with 1039 pupils on roll.

In 2019 the Council identified that it had a gap in provision to meet the needs of pupils who require high levels of support with an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Two social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) bases were created in the last three years to provide provision for primary age children with an EHCP with a primary need of SEMH. This has proven to be a successful model and has gone some way to addressing the identified gap, however there is still a shortfall of base provision within the borough, at both primary and secondary phase.

Following a bidding process, the Council has selected Ellowes Hall School to develop an inclusive base where pupils will be able to be taught in a dedicated unit by specialist staff with opportunities to integrate into mainstream classes as and when appropriate.

It is anticipated that this will provide an appropriate education for between 12 and 18 pupils and will provide a tried and tested solution for the Council to support our SEND children within their community, providing the curriculum, environment and staff they need without a move into a specialist setting.

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