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Community reuse and recycling event

On Tuesday 14 January between 10am and 3pm we are holding our fourth ‘Too Good to Throw Away’ event at Chawn Hill Church, Pedmore, Stourbridge

People in hardship - funding for professionals

Information for professionals about funding opportunities for people in hardship

Baron Davenport's Charity - Emergency Grants

Baron Davenport's Charity gives emergency grants for single women who live alone, or only live with their children. The charity also gives grants to children and young adults under the age of 25 who don't have fathers.​

Grants are given mainly to help purchase an essential household item.

Please note: They do not accept applications directly from individuals. Online applications must be made by a support worker who is part of an organisation that is supporting the woman or children, such as charities, health care and advice services, tenancy support, education services, NHS and primary care trusts.


Glasspool provide grant support for people experiencing financial hardship, that has no restrictions on who they can help

They invite applications from support agencies on behalf of the people they support

COSARAF Hardship Grants

Applications are assessed every six weeks and you can expect a response within eight weeks of your application.


Hardship Grants are available to UK residents only.

To be eligible for a small grant or donation, the following criteria must be met:

  • We prioritise the most financially excluded people
  • We prioritise items that will make the most difference
  • Additional weight is given to those with caring responsibilities

What is funded

  • Household items (white goods and occasionally other items i.e. sofas, wardrobes etc.)
  • Basic Living Expenses (Utilities or food)
  • Work or Education related expenses (interview clothes, school uniforms, laptops)
  • Rent arrears and Council tax arrears where there is a clear and obvious risk of homelessness (For rent arrears involving a social landlord please outline what support has already been offered to your tenant)
  • Contribution to immigration related costs where the current immigration status directly causes financial hardship to the applicant

Find out more by visiting the COSARAF website

Friends of the Elderly

Friends of the Elderly’s grants programme is designed to assist older individuals facing financial difficulties. Our aim is to provide support to older people who are struggling to make ends meet, and to ensure they are able to live with dignity and in comfort.

Grants can be used to cover essential expenses such as purchasing a new fridge, paying unexpected bills, food, clothing, or covering gas and electricity costs. The application process is managed through organisations who register with Friends of the Elderly and work with older people in their local communities. These organisations are known as Referral Agents, they might be community centres, religious centres, carers centres, housing associations, advice organisations like Citizen’s Advice or other charities like Age UK.

Family Action Welfare Grants

Family Action’s Welfare Grants programme aims to help prevent an immediate crisis from spiralling and threatening the stability of families and individuals.

A broken washing machine for example would for many of us be a financial burden to replace; for a family with three children and a very low income however it may mean taking out a high-street loan and plunging further debt.

Welfare grants are an integral part of our whole family approach to finding solutions for those who need it the most. Coupled with emotional and practical support, grants help us to create a safety net for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our society.

Heinz, Anna and Carol Kroch Foundation

The Foundation provides grants to assist individuals who are suffering from poverty and hardship and have an ongoing medical problem. Applications to support victims of domestic violence and the homeless are also considered.

Heinz, Anna and Carol Kroch Foundation
PO Box 327
TW12 9DD

The Dudley Charity

The Dudley Charity was formed in 1987 by the consolidation of a number of small charities in Dudley that had common aims.

The earliest of these charities dates back to 1659 founded under the will of Jasper Cartwright that with two others became known as The Bread Charities. This was joined with the nineteenth century charities of John Tandy, Elizabeth Hinckes and Mrs Parnell Taylor with also the nineteenth century charities known as the Clothing Charities and finally an old charity relating to Robert Baylies.

Applications are welcomed either generally or individually from persons resident in the Borough of Dudley who are in condition of need, hardship or distress.

Grants are made of money or by providing or paying for items, services or facilities calculated to reduce need, hardship or distress.

Examples of the types of grants considered are:

  • Weekly allowances for a limited period.
  • Payments to relieve sudden distress.
  • Expenses for visiting people in hospitals or correctional institutions.
  • Assistance in meeting electricity or gas bills.
  • The provision of furniture, bedding, clothing, food and other household appliances.
  • The supply of tools, payment for training or equipment for recreational pursuits.
  • Respite care.
  • Contributions towards wheelchairs or invalid scooters.
  • Food for special diets, medical or other aids, nursing requisites or comforts.

To find out more visit The Dudley Charity website

Change into Action

Change into Action is an alternative giving scheme that supports local specialist charities and street teams to change the circumstances of rough sleepers and those at risk of becoming homeless. Your donation to Change into Action will help to change the way in which we help the homeless.

The Change into Action website can also be used to report the location of anyone you think is sleeping rough so that they can be connected to local support services.

If you would like to apply for the Change into Action fund, simply send an e-mail and ask for an application form.

Royal British Legion - Help for Veterans

We provide support to the Armed Forces community who may need financial support. Whether you need urgent assistance to get through a temporary crisis or need help at home we may be able to help with a grant.


Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially.

They offer support to people facing financial shocks and challenge the systems and perceptions that cause financial insecurity.

Further funding opportunities

Below you can find a funders list. This is to be used by professionals for supporting vulnerable families or individuals.