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About the directorate

The Children's Services directorate has responsibility for early help, prevention, education, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and social care and safeguarding services. The directorate deliver statutory services for children in relation to safeguarding, wellbeing, school sufficiency and SEND services.

Our priorities focus on improving our services and outcomes for the borough's children and young people. We want Dudley to be a wonderful place for children and young people to grow up, where they will be happy, healthy, safe and enjoy a good inclusive education. Children, young people and their families are part of our community and Dudley’s corporate priorities are important for them as they are for all residents.

We work in partnership with health, schools and colleges, businesses, voluntary and community services organisations to ensure that Dudley is a place where children thrive and choose to live and work as they become adults.

There are 76,187 children and young people aged 0-19 years in the borough. There are 109 schools, primary, secondary, special, colleges and alternative provision, a mix of academies and LA maintained. There are 5 family centres in townships providing a base for the early help and prevention service for children and families.

About the director, Karen Graham

Karen Graham joined the council as Service Director for Children's Social Care in March 2022 having worked within the children’s social care profession for more than 30 years.

In July 2024 Karen was appointed to the role of Interim Director for Children's Services.