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Evaluation of the Family Safeguarding Model in Dudley.

What we do

Dudley Local Authority Children's Social Care introduced a new approach to safeguarding in July 2023. The model of practice is called Family Safeguarding, which has been evaluated nationally, endorsed by the Department for Education.

As the first self-funding Local Authority, Dudley is not part of the national evaluation programme, but we want to understand the impact this new way of working is having for our families locally. We are anticipating that we will see improvements relating to keeping more children at home with their families, where it is safe to do so. We hope to achieve this by helping families to bring about sustained changes relating to:

• Improved Mental Health
• Reduced Domestic Abuse
• Reduced Substance Misuse

The Council will be utilising the skills of a qualified Nursing lecturer from the University of Birmingham to carry out the evaluation for Dudley, which will inform Dudley Local Authority's ability to make ongoing improvements to children's safeguarding services and will also be the focus of a research project for the university evaluator to use in studying for a PhD.

Further Information

The UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 give you a number of rights to control what personal information is used by us and how it is used by us. Information about your data rights is listed in the Council's Corporate Privacy Notice on the Council’s website.

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For independent advice about data protection issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). 

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Notice at any time and will keep it under review. If we do make any changes, we will post the current version to our website at this address.

