Your NHS
Cold weather can be seriously bad for our health, particularly if you have an underlying health condition. Make sure you seek advice quickly to keep well this winter. Useful information and advice is available on staying well over winter through the NHS. You can contact your local pharmacy for minor ailments, see your doctor, go to NHS 111 Online or call 111. It’s really important that you seek help with medical conditions as soon as you notice an issue. Please don't delay. If it's an emergency call 999.
Flu and Covid-19 can be serious. If you can have a free vaccine, it's because you need it. You are more at risk if you have a long-term condition, are older, or are pregnant. Visit and search 'flu vaccine' to find out if you should have it and what to do.
Avoid falls in winter
It's easy to slip and fall during the cold, icy and snowy winter months. A fall can often lead to a hospital visit. Dudley Falls Prevention encourages you to take care in the winter months, particularly if you are older, as you may struggle to recover from a fall. If you do fall or are worried about your balance and mobility we offer advice and support. Telephone 0300 555 0055 and select option 3, or email
Doing regular strength and balance exercises can help you avoid falls. For ideas on easy exercise routines, look at the Healthy Dudley Let's Get Moving campaign.
Managing long-term health conditions
Self-management programmes can help you live with the symptoms caused by a long-term health condition. This can help improve your overall wellbeing and quality of life. The programmes provide easy tools and techniques to problem solve and set yourself goals.
Courses are free and run for two-and-a-half hours each session. They last for six consecutive weeks and with trained tutors, who also have long-term health conditions. Courses are face-to-face group sessions in community venues across Dudley borough, as well as online courses.
To find out more, telephone 07976 637404 or email
Mental health
Changes to our lives, such as loneliness and worries about health and finances, can have a big impact on our mental wellbeing.
The Road to wellbeing resource can help you mange the stress of everyday life. It covers the signs and symptoms of stress, the effects of stress, the sources of your stress and alternative ways of dealing with it.
If you are registered with a Dudley borough GP and are suffering from anxiety or depression, you can get help from Dudley Talking Therapy Service.
There is also a 24/7 mental health support line for Black Country residents, provided by Black Country Healthcare Foundation Trust - telephone: 0800 008 6516 or text 07860 025281.