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A direct payment is a payment, paid directly to you, your family or carers by us, to purchase your own care and support.

These direct payments should not be confused with direct payments for benefit, which are paid via the Department for Work and Pensions.

Direct payments give you more choice and control over how support services are provided. The short video below gives an easy to follow introduction to direct payments and how they work. There is a series of these videos on the YouTube link below which explain in more detail how they work.

Independent support and advice can be provided by direct payment providers such as People Plus.

Why direct payments?

Direct payments give you more choice and control over how support services are provided.

Direct payments - adults

If you have been assessed by us as eligible for support and are receiving a personal budget you can choose to take this as direct payments.
If you are awarded direct payments you will need to be able to manage the direct payment alone or with help from friends or relatives.

There is a Guide to Direct Payments in the useful information section below.

Useful information

Looking for a 'PA' ?

If you employ your own care and support staff, you can apply to Skills for Care to get money for training for you and your personal assistant - this is called individual employer funding.

Adult and children's safeguarding training

Adult and children's safeguarding training is available online to everyone receiving direct payments and for their PAs.