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Housing with Care

Messages for the Market

  • We want people to have the opportunity to live in their own self-contained homes with their own front door to maximise their self-determination and outcomes
  • We will support people where appropriate in shared housing where this is sustainable and the best option to meet their aspirations and outcomes
  • We want to increase the provision of extra care to meet changing needs, expectations and demand
  • We want to explore new sheltered housing models that support people with health and social care needs
  • We want to explore different models of housing with care for people aged 18+ with complex needs
  • We want to explore different models of housing with care for people with learning disabilities and or autism who are aging and require accommodation and support that is flexible to meet changing need – for example specialist extra care housing
  • We want to work with not-for-profit housing associations and registered Providers to deliver new accommodation options and schemes to meet our growing demand

Direct Payments and Non-Commissioned Services

Messages for the Market

  • We intend to increase the number of people accessing direct payments to manage their care and support needs
  • Expand and develop the PA market to provide a wider range of choice for Direct Payment recipients and person budget holders
  • Increase access to Personal Health Budgets for those with eligible health needs
  • Explore the development of Individual Service Funds

Services for Older Adults

Messages for the Market

  • The council intends to identify people’s long term needs within timely period following hospital discharge
  • We want to ensure we support as many people to return home as possible
  • We want to ensure we provide the person with choice and control through enabling the person to have their needs assessed in the appropriate setting outside of the hospital through a strengths-based approach
  • We need to ensure we have the correct provision of short-term intervention services available and used efficiently to ensure we maximise supporting people at home
  • We want to ensure timely transitions and choice when people are transitioned from short term care to the long-term care market whilst still fostering a promoting independence approach
  • We want to ensure that people receive the right amount of support at the right time and where their independence is regained that support is reviewed to avoid over-prescription of care

Messages for the Market: Domiciliary Care

  • We want to ensure we support as many people to return home as possible after a hospital stay
  • We want to ensure we provide the person with choice and control through enabling the person to have their needs assessed in the appropriate setting outside of the hospital through a strengths-based approach
  • We want to ensure that people are supported to maintain their independence and reduce unnecessary reliance on paid services
  • We want all services to deliver high quality care
  • We want efficient, effective and responsive services delivered by an experienced and skilled workforce that can adapt as people’s needs change
  • We want to maximise the use of digital technology to support improved outcomes for people accessing services as well as drive up quality and efficiency in provider services

Messages for the Market: Extra Care Housing

  • Dudley Council is exploring the potential for an increased extra care offer for people with eligible care needs including those with complex needs with the development of a new facility in Brierley Hill
  • Further extra care developments may be considered after 2027
  • Further Housing with Care models and housing for older people with care needs will be considered
  • Future engagement with housing and care providers to explore opportunities and interest in new innovations
  • We want to ensure there is high quality care delivering outcomes that support people to maintain their independence and wellbeing

Messages to the Market: Care Homes

  • The council intends to develop a formal care home framework within the next 2 years
  • The strategic development and increase of nursing care provision is key to meeting future demand for Dudley’s aging population where people have complex health needs
  • The correlation between fees paid, outcomes delivered, and complexity of need will form the basis of the new formal framework
  • Quality support for care homes will continue to be a priority
  • Regular engagement with care homes to develop provision and new innovations will be held through virtual and face to face forums
  • Care homes are expected to ensure they maximise the use of digital technology for improved outcomes for residents and increased efficiency in care delivery

Services for Adults with Disabilities

Commissioning Intentions

  • A new supported living framework will be formally tendered in 2024/2025 and will include a short term framework for enhanced complex and forensic needs and a long term framework
  • Dudley Council will formally competitively procure all existing supported living provision via the new framework once established to align with outcome measures and expectations within the next 2 years and ensure compliance with REACH standards and current best practice
  • We will explore and consider pilots for the development and introduction of Individual service funds in Dudley
  • We are committed to actively promoting the development of the PA market and increased take up of Direct Payments and personal budgets, including personal health budgets
  • Develop local provision that meets the needs of adults with disabilities including young adults with complex needs, people with autism and people who are or may be at risk of entering criminal justice system

Messages for the Market

Key priorities are for services, supports and opportunities that meet people's needs that:

  • Are delivered locally and reduce the number of out of area health and social placements
  • Ensure a strength-based approach that enables people maintain their community connections and lead fulfilling lives; having everyday opportunities and experiences and not live in 'service land'
  • Reduce inequalities and improve access to support, services and opportunities enabling people to live longer and healthier lives
  • Support young people as they prepare for adulthood to have opportunities locally, accessing education, vocational services, employment support and living independently support to fulfil their needs and aspirations
  • Ensure the provision of appropriate accommodation and support as people age so they may remain in their homes and retain their independence for as long as possible
  • Maximise independence and use new innovations including everyday technology and more disability specific technology
  • Extend peoples contact and presence with their community outside of paid staff
  • Promote employment and vocational opportunities

Services for Adults with Mental Health Conditions

Commissioning Intentions

  • Reduce out of area placements working with providers and housing associations on service development within the Dudley area, especially for people with complex needs in self-contained accommodation
  • Supported living framework will be formally competitively tendered in 2024
  • Dudley Council will formally competitively procure all existing supported living provision via the new framework once established, to align with outcome measures and expectations within the next 2 years and ensure compliance with REACH standards and current best practice
  • Explore and consider pilots for the development and introduction of individual service funds in Dudley
  • Explore potential models with health partners across the Black Country in relation to step down provision
  • Actively promote the development of the PA market and increased take up of Direct payments and personal budgets, including personal health budgets

Messages for the Market

  • We want services that prevent, reduce, and delay the need for care and support. This will reduce dependency on services and increase independence, control and choice for people. We will do this by using recovery and asset-based approaches that promote social inclusion and citizens' community assets
  • We want to work with providers to ensure the sustainability of the provider market, delivering services that meet individual outcomes, embrace innovations and are flexible to changing need and demands
  • We want to work with providers to develop recovery focused services ensuring we can measure the impact of services and support
  • Increase availability of support that avoids the placement of young people in out of area services and unnecessary residential or nursing services

Updated February 2024
