Experienced early years advisers support private, voluntary and independent pre-schools and day care settings, funded childminders and sometimes nurseries and reception classes in primary schools.
The service includes qualified teachers, early years trainers, birth to three advisers and Area Special Educational Needs coordinators.
- to ensure that all early education settings in the borough have access to the support of a qualified early years professional
- to support the raising of standards in teaching and learning within all early years educational provision in the borough by offering advice, challenge and guide
- to assist 0-5 provision in the borough to secure and maintain a good Ofsted judgement so that all children are able to attend a setting that is at least good
- to work closely with other providers and agencies, as appropriate, to promote an effective partnership approach to provision of early years and childcare services
Contact Us
Email: eytraining.cs@dudley.gov.uk
Telephone: 01384 818086