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We offer a comprehensive training package to support you through your training and professional career as a childminder.

Pre-registration childminding training

Open to all who have an interest in starting their own childminding business. You will find out more about what is involved and required for a career in childminding.

The first part of the training is independent learning - 'Become a Childminder' - Ofsted briefing.  This session is free of charge for Dudley residents.

Following your independent learning and your decision to continue with starting your own childminding business you will be required to complete a further session as outlined below: 

  • Setting up your Childminding Business

Cost: £30 per person. 

Please use our online booking form to request the link to independent learning briefing and to book your place on one of the training dates offered termly. Alternatively you can email us with any enquiries to

Setting up your Childminding Business session

Childminders must complete training which helps them to understand and implement the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) before they can register with Ofsted. 

Our comprehensive training will support you in meeting the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Guidance. The training will prepare you for your initial Ofsted registration visit, and your career as a childminder.

You may also need to complete the following courses 

Once you have completed all the required training please notify us by emailing so we can then issue your certificate of completion. You will need to show this certificate during your pre-registration visit with Ofsted.

Registering as a childminder

You will need to ensure you apply to the correct register(s). This depends on the age of the children you plan to look after, although many childminders register on both the Early Years Register and Childcare Register.

The Childcare Register has two parts; a compulsory and a voluntary part. The compulsory part covers childminders looking after school aged children between 5 and 8 years. The voluntary part covers childminders caring for children over 8 years only. You may choose to join the voluntary part of the register if you are caring for children:

  • in the home of one of the children (aged from birth to 17 years old)
  • aged 8 - 17 years
  • aged from birth to under eight years old in provision that is exempt from compulsory registration, e.g. sports coaching.

If you work in your own home caring for children under eight for more than two hours per day in return for payment you must register as a childminder with Ofsted.  If you act as a childminder without being registered, it could lead to prosecution and an unlimited fine.

We would also like to advise you that the registration process can be lengthy, Ofsted aim to register childminders within 12 weeks of receipt of the application form, and the current application fee is £35 for those wishing to join all three registers.

Contact Us

Childcare Workforce Officer: