As part of the Council’s Flood Risk Management Strategy a proactive Pre Storm Flood Action Plan has been developed and adopted. The principals of the Pre Flood Action Plan is to ensure that critical surface water features/assets including watercourses and associated trash screens, highway drainage areas, bridges and culverts are in good order and free flowing to ensure flood risk and the impacts of flooding is minimised.
The flood action plan is a risk based plan with priority given to those areas at the highest risk of flooding taking into account Likelihood and Consequence.
The risk or cause of flooding at individual locations maybe associated with one or more critical surface water features/assets
It should be noted that this action plan is primarily based on records of previous flooding but does however give some consideration to those high risk areas of the borough where flooding as not occurred previously.
It should also be noted that this action plan does not formally cover and include for any inspections for main rivers and main river flood defence structures/features. The Environment Agency, who has flood management responsibilities for main rivers, has an independent inspection regime.
The Flood Action Plan is activated based on receipt of AMBER flood warnings from the Met Office and the Flood Forecasting Centre together with an assessment of recent local weather conditions and discussions between senior officers with flood management responsibilities.
During normal working hours Council officers are responsible for arranging inspections and (if time permits) any necessary clearance or improvement works.
During out of normal working hours the Council’s call out and emergency procedures process will operate contacting nominated out of hours officers.