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Trees Damaged by Storm Éowyn

Please note: If trees have hazard tape around them, they have already been reported and we are in the process of dealing with the issue. There is no need to report them again.

There have been a number of flooding incidents in the borough in recent years. With the support of local people the council will manage the risks of floods in the future and most importantly protect homes, businesses and the borough’s infrastructure in the process.

The online survey has been set up in response to the government’s request for local authorities and agencies to work together to prepare for, and manage future floods at a local level as outlined in the Flood and Management Act 2010. Residents should note that individual flooding problems cannot be addressed as part of this survey but information will help the borough’s case when applying for future funding to address flood risk challenges.

Report any instances of flooding

Residents who have experienced flooding incidents in the areas where they live or work in recent years are urged to flag up flooding hot spots in the council’s online survey.

People are asked to submit information about floods of all sizes, from ones which may have affected only one or two properties to larger scale flooding incidents, particularly ones which have occurred in the last 15 years.

The form should only take a few minutes and asks for information such as date of flood event, how many flood events have occurred and depth of flood event.

How we will use the information collected

This information will help the council manage the risk of floods in the borough.

Information gathered will be added to that of other sources including Severn Trent, the Environment Agency and British Waterways to help create a flood management plan as outlined by the government.

Further Information

Please contact us using the details below.

Contact Details

  • Name Civil Engineering, Environmental Management
  • Address Directorate of the Urban Environment, Lister Road Depot, Lister Road, Dudley, West Midlands, DY2 8JW
  • Opening Hours Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Please note that the offices are closed at weekends and Bank Holidays