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Our aim for Dudley Housing Services is to always deliver excellent services.

We continue to strengthen areas of service where we could be doing better and we consistently set ourselves challenging targets and compare ourselves with other landlords in order to share best practice.

Annual Report to Tenants 2023/24

This report provides you with information about our performance during 2023/24 and our objectives for 2024/25.  If you have any comments on how we can improve the report or include other topics that you are interested to know about, please let us know by contacting

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM)

The Regulator of Social Housing has produced a list of measures which landlords have to make available to their tenants. These are called the Tenant Satisfaction Measures. They enable tenants to compare the performance of different councils and housing providers. Our results are below.

Providers must publish a summary of the survey approach used to generate published tenant perception measures. This must be made clearly available alongside each set of tenant perception measures published by the provider.  These are available below.

Strategic Performance for Housing

A summary of our key housing performance is highlighted in the documents below: