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If a performance or activity runs for four days or less and no absence from school is required, you may be able to apply to Dudley Council for an exemption.

For more information please read our guide Exemption from Performance Licensing below.

If you wish to apply for an exemption please complete the application form at the bottom of this page and submit using the link.

Application for an Exemption from the Licensing Procedures

You should apply to Dudley Council if the child lives in Dudley, is at a boarding school in the borough or if the child lives outside the UK but your business or organisations is based in Dudley.

If the child lives outside of Dudley, you should apply to the Local Authority (LA) where the child’s parents pay council tax.  Details of which LA the child lives in can be found by inputting their postcode on this website: 

You will need to submit your application at least 21 days before the start of the performance or activity.  If it is found the child requires a licence once the exemption has been submitted, we cannot guarantee the processing of this in time for your performance.