Drivers have the right to appeal against a Parking Fine (Penalty Charge Notice) if they believe it was issued in error.
To appeal please complete the form below.
What can I do if I don't agree with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?
You can ‘challenge’ the issue of the PCN. Information on how to do this is on the back of the notice.
The Parking Management Team will look into your case and using our cancellation and write off guidelines will come to a decision. If your challenge is upheld the PCN will be cancelled and you will be informed. If it is not upheld you will be asked to pay the PCN at the appropriate rate.
What if I still don't agree with the Council's decision?
Assuming that you haven’t paid the PCN, a “Notice to Owner” (NtO) will be issued. On receiving this you can appeal to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal. Information on how to do this and the timescales in which it must be done will be in the notice to owner.
What is the Traffic Penalty Tribunal?
It a national independent body set up by the Government to hear appeals against PCNs. All adjudicators are legal professionals who will look at all the facts of the case. They will reach a decision on whether the PCN should be paid. Each side can usually put their case without attending. But the motorist has the right to attend the hearing. Hearings are arranged by the adjudication service. They can be held in person, over the telephone or may take place via post. The decision reached by the adjudicator is final and binding on both parties.
What happens if I don't pay the PCN either before or after a representation has been rejected?
The PCN will be registered at the Traffic Enforcement Centre, a special County Court which is based in Northampton. Here, extra court administration fees will be added (currently £9 per case). You will be sent a notice of debt registration and given a further 21 days to make the payment.
What happens if I still don't pay?
After 21 days have passed, we can register a warrant. This instructs bailiffs to collect the unpaid PCN or seize goods to cover the value of the PCN plus any extra amount added by the bailiffs. This could increase the costs by a significant amount.
What can I do if I didn't receive a Notice to Owners (NtO)?
You can make a witness statement to the County Court at Northampton who will forward it to us. The County Court holds the forms needed once a case has been passed to bailiffs.
What can I do if I made a representation but did not receive a rejection notice?
In both cases you can make a witness statement. This should be given to a commissioner for oaths, an appointed officer of the county court or a justice of the peace to the County Court at Northampton. It will then sent to the us. We must in these circumstances refer the case to the adjudication service who will give direction as they see fit.
How to make your appeal
Parking Fine Appeals must be made in writing. Please quote both the Penalty Charge Notice reference number and the vehicle registration number. This must be done no later than 28 days after the date of issue.
Write to us: Parking Management, Lister Road Depot, Dudley, DY2 8JW
How will we process the appeal
The Penalty Charge Notice will be put on hold while it is being investigated and a reply will be sent in writing.
A response will normally be received with 7 working days.
What will happen if my appeal is not successful
If you have appealed within 14 days of the date of issue of the Penalty Charge Notice and your challenge is rejected, you will be given another 14 days from the date of our reply to pay the reduced amount. This 14 day extension is at the council's discretion.